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canbus, ecu, cars, can-utils, penetration testing, cybersecurity


An Electronic Control Unit (ECU) is a crucial embedded system in automotive electronics that communicates via the Controller Area Network (CAN) buses in cars. These technologies have both continued to grow increasingly intricate and essential to every modern vehicle. Due to the increasingly integral role of ECUs and CAN buses, securing these entry points must become a top priority. By using Korlan, an OBDII to USB device, a physical communication portal can be successfully set up between a car and laptop. Using various python libraries and other open source programs, cybersecurity professionals can dig into the potential vulnerabilities that lie in automobiles. This poster will attempt to highlight some of the procedures involved in unearthing these vulnerabilities.

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Tapping into the Automotive Nervous System

An Electronic Control Unit (ECU) is a crucial embedded system in automotive electronics that communicates via the Controller Area Network (CAN) buses in cars. These technologies have both continued to grow increasingly intricate and essential to every modern vehicle. Due to the increasingly integral role of ECUs and CAN buses, securing these entry points must become a top priority. By using Korlan, an OBDII to USB device, a physical communication portal can be successfully set up between a car and laptop. Using various python libraries and other open source programs, cybersecurity professionals can dig into the potential vulnerabilities that lie in automobiles. This poster will attempt to highlight some of the procedures involved in unearthing these vulnerabilities.


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