Type of Submission



IR, Infrared, Flex, Arduino, Glove, Touch, Tracking, Hand, Python, BLE


The purpose of this project is to design a glove that can interact with many different surfaces as if they were touch screens. The finished product will be useful for a host of applications. In an academic context, it will allow professors to scroll and click on projector screens during lectures and presentations. Further applications include any context in which the use of a computer may be enhanced by touch screen capabilities.

The glove includes: an Arduino Nano, three flex sensors, a pressure sensor, battery, and IR emitter. The flex sensors generate resistance data for hand gesture detection that is communicated via bluetooth low energy to a computer. A camera detects the IR emitter’s light to determine hand location. The camera capture undergoes a filtering process for this purpose. An application will provide a simple UI with calibration instructions. It will also translate and execute gesture commands.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Publication Date




TASK Glove

The purpose of this project is to design a glove that can interact with many different surfaces as if they were touch screens. The finished product will be useful for a host of applications. In an academic context, it will allow professors to scroll and click on projector screens during lectures and presentations. Further applications include any context in which the use of a computer may be enhanced by touch screen capabilities.

The glove includes: an Arduino Nano, three flex sensors, a pressure sensor, battery, and IR emitter. The flex sensors generate resistance data for hand gesture detection that is communicated via bluetooth low energy to a computer. A camera detects the IR emitter’s light to determine hand location. The camera capture undergoes a filtering process for this purpose. An application will provide a simple UI with calibration instructions. It will also translate and execute gesture commands.


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