The pictures in this image gallery are from the Harold Strobridge Collection, housed in Archives and Special Collections at the Centennial Library at Cedarville University. Mr. Strobridge was a local resident who documented the activities and people of the village of Cedarville, Ohio, and the surrounding area. This gallery, which contains nearly 1,800 images, can be searched by using the search box in the right-hand sidebar and selecting "in this collection" from the search options.
Dora Kerr's House, South Main Street, Cedarville, Ohio
Note on back: "South Main St. 'Cousin' Dora Kerr's house. Melson Creswell home"
Dr. and Mrs. Kyle
Note on back : "Dr. & Mrs. Kyle (2nd). Opera House is gray-before paint removal. 1992 or early 1993."
Dr. Kennon Home
Note on slide: "Dr. Kennon Farm. Tarbox Rd. Cedarville" Ralph Kennon was a veterinarian in Cedarville.
Dr. Kennon Home
Note on slide: "Dr. Kennon herb fields. B. Dobbins." Photo shows a large two-story home in a rural setting. Ralph Kennon was a veterinarian in Cedarville.
Dr. Kyle
Note on back: "I am squinting my eyes because of the bright sun. You can see the tent which is our living quarters. Beds made up for inspection of the day. Gun racks on the right. These are used in drill only and are just another article to keep clean. The hat is felt, the shirt flannel, the pant-not a very artistic fit. The leggens wool and poorly rolled. Shoes 10 1/2 and weigh about five lbs more or less."
Dr. Kyle's Unit
Note on back: "8- Joe Vande Velde, O.S. U., 13-"Mike" Stinberg, O.S.U., 15-George J. MDonnell, Cornell, 10-J.M. Suter, G.W.U., 7-H. Everett Davidson, G.W.U., 9-H. Jay Ginnis, U.P., 14-Everett Chalders, O.S.U., 1-Kintoon,O.S.U., J. MLean, CVMC, 12-Lu Reynolds, OSU, 3-TC Bauerlein, Cornell, 6-J. F. Cavanaugh, U.of P., 4-Frank Nicklous, OSU, 5-Jos. A. Coleman, Cornell"