The Strobridge Media Gallery | Harold Strobridge Cedarville Collection | Cedarville University

The Strobridge Media Gallery



Media from 1996


Interview of Harold Strobridge and Tour of His Collection, Cedarville University


In this interview of Harold Strobridge, he discusses the history of Cedarville, Ohio, and the surrounding area. Following the interview, Mr. Strobridge shows the historical artifacts that he collected.

Media from 1928


Greene County Homecoming and Parade, Xenia, Ohio

August 28, 1928

Label on film can: "Xenia Homecoming Parade - 1928 Straw Board 16 mm" (see Additional File below)

This 18-minute silent film presents activities surrounding the 1928 Greene County Homecoming in Xenia, Ohio, celebrated every 20 years. The film opens with views of the entries of the Hagar Straw Board and Paper Mill in Cedarville, Ohio, (10 miles from Xenia) for the Homecoming industrial parade in downtown Xenia. The film then moves to Shawnee Park in Xenia where the American Red Cross exhibit and demonstrations are filmed. This is followed by portions of the Industrial Parade in downtown Xenia which includes views of the crowds and buildings at the center of town. The film ends with the events at Shawnee Park, culminating with the landing and takeoff at the Park of an airplane from Wright field, followed by a flyover of airplanes in formation from Wright field. The events of the homecoming are described on page one of issues of the Cedarville Herald for August 24 and August 31, 1928.

Media from 1925


Hagar Straw Board and Paper Mill (1)

circa 1925

Label on film can: "Baling Straw at Hagar Straw Board Paper Mill. Mule Team 16mm". Note on the back of the film can is illegible. (see Additional Files below)

This 18-minute silent film depicts the delivery, baling, and stacking of straw at the Hagar Straw Board and Paper Mill in Cedarville, Ohio, for use in the production of board and paper. This includes views of the baling process, the stacking activities done by hand, and culminating in panoramic views of the massive and numerous stacks of baled straw necessary for production.


Hagar Straw Board and Paper Mill (2)

circa 1925

Label on film can: "Straw S____Mill, Yard, Conveyor, baling." Label on the back of the film can: "Mill and Reservoir Scenes - no people" (see Additional Files below)

This 16-minute silent film depicts some of the operations of the Hagar Straw Board and Paper Mill in Cedarville, Ohio, including the delivery and stacking of straw bales, and the burning of straw in a field. Of special interest are views of a retaining pond and other water control mechanisms apparently created to manage the waste water going into Massie’s Creek from the paper production process. In addition to the pond, there are views of the Massie’s Creek dam, some sluices, and excavations along the creek. Various recreational water activities are also depicted along the creek and especially in the reservoir behind the dam.


Hagar Straw Board and Paper Mill Company Picnics


Label on film can - "Paper Picnic 1924-1925 or Paper Mill Picnic - 1926". Note on the back of the film can: "Hagar Picnics 24-25" (see Additional Files below)

This 15-minute silent film depicts the events and activities of the 1924 to 1926 annual staff picnics of the Hagar Straw Board and Paper Mill in Cedarville, Ohio. The location of the picnics is unknown.