Administrative Personnel Publications
Submissions from 2022
A Legacy of Excellence, Pamela D. Johnson
Program Excellence and Facilities to Match, William Smallwood
Nursing Practice Grounded in Biblical Truth, Thomas White
President's Perspective, Thomas White
President's Perspective, Thomas White
President's Perspective, Thomas White
The Case for Scholarships, Thomas White
The Pursuit of Excellence, Thomas White
Submissions from 2021
Generous Living, Rick Melson
A Historic Opportunity: The Time Is Now!, Thomas White
Christian Colleges Must Not Waver Under Pressure, Thomas White
President's Perspective, Thomas White
President's Perspective, Thomas White
President's Perspective, Thomas White
Submissions from 2020
Effects of COVID-19 on Cedarville Athletics, Alan Geist
God's Providence and Cedarville's Future, Thomas Mach
Making a Difference During the Pandemic, Rick Melson
Business for the Glory of God, Thomas White
Heart of the Matter, Thomas White
President's Perspective, Thomas White
President's Perspective, Thomas White
Submissions from 2019
A Vision for Future Faithfulness, Thomas White
Chapel: The Heartbeat of Campus, Thomas White
Life-on-Life Discipleship, Thomas White
President's Perspective, Thomas White
President's Perspective, Thomas White
President's Perspective, Thomas White
Discipleship on the Go, Jon Wood
Life Together: Daily Chapel As the Cornerstone of Campus Community, Jon Wood
Submissions from 2018
Book Review: Wrestling with Isaiah, Randall L. McKinion
Timeless Leading, Loren M. Reno
Adoption: The Heart of the Gospel, Thomas White
President's Perspective, Thomas White
Know. Live. Share, Jon Wood
Submissions from 2017
Creation in the Classroom, Thomas S. Mach
Adam and Eve in History: A Theological Necessity, Thomas White
In the Beginning, Thomas White
Submissions from 2016
Cedarville Graduate Programs: God-Honoring, Affordable, Flexible, Mark D. McClain
Interacting with Culture to Glorify God, Thomas White
Think Grad School, Think Cedarville, Thomas White
We Believe, Thomas White
Apologetics and the Exclusivity of Christ, Jon Wood
We Believe in the Exclusivity of the Gospel, Jon Wood
Submissions from 2015
1,000 Days, Thomas White
An Education That Works!, Thomas White
Expanding and Renovating the Jeremiah Chapel, Thomas White
The Why, How, and When of Church Discipline, Thomas White
Submissions from 2014
Top-Ten IT Issues, 2014: Be the Change You See, Susan Grajek and David Rotman
Executive Summary, David Rotman
Enrollment Pathways to Financial Sustainability: Choosing the Road Less Traveled, Janice L. Supplee
Miriam Maddox: A Woman of Influence, Janice L. Supplee
A Great God and a Gracious Gospel, Thomas White
A Tradition of Biblical Leadership, Thomas White
Submissions from 2013
Jesus and the American Dream, William E. Brown
Top-Ten IT Issues, 2013: Welcome to the Connected Age, Susan Grajek and David Rotman
Excellence With a Purpose, Thomas White
Submissions from 2012
A Culture of Fear, William E. Brown
Facing Fear: Making Sense of Today's Critical Issues from a Biblical Perspective, William E. Brown
Think, Talk, Act, William E. Brown
Welcoming the Stranger: Making Sense of Today's Critical Issues from a Biblical Perspective, William E. Brown
Preemptive Rerouting of Airline Passengers, Lindsey McCarty
Preemptive Rerouting of Airline Passengers Under Uncertain Delays, Lindsey McCarty and A. M. Cohn
Captured by Awe, Robert Rohm
Executive Summary, David Rotman
Jovan Belcher, Ruined Lives, and Manhood, Thomas White
Madagascar: More than a Movie, Thomas White
The Facts about the ‘Jesus’ Wife’ Fragment, Thomas White
Submissions from 2011
Sabbath Rest, William E. Brown
Tuning Out the Noise: Making Sense of Today's Critical Issues from a Biblical Perspective, William E. Brown
Redeeming the Time, John Gredy
There Is a Rest, Robert Rohm
Watching Hope Rise from the Ashes at Ground Zero, Thomas White
Submissions from 2010
Engaging the World for Christ, William Brown
Examining Health Care: Making Sense of Today's Critical Issues from a Biblical Perspective, William E. Brown
Responding to Poverty: Making Sense of Today's Critical Issues from a Biblical Perspective, William E. Brown
The Fight for Our Lives, William E. Brown
Who Takes Care of the Poor?, William E. Brown
Good News to the Poor, Robert Rohm
Guard Your Heart, Robert Rohm
A Lesson Learned in the African Bush, Thomas White
Courage in the Face of Fear, Thomas White
Missions in the Hard Places: The Greatest Students Sharing the Greatest Story, Thomas White
Submissions from 2009
A Fragile Economy: Making Sense of Today's Critical Issues from a Biblical Perspective, William E. Brown
Can Anyone Understand the Economy?, William E. Brown
Darwin's Legacy, William E. Brown
The Creation Verdict: Making Sense of Today's Critical Issues from a Biblical Perspective, William E. Brown
One Creator, Two Creations, Robert Rohm
Adoption: The Heart of the Gospel, Thomas White
Submissions from 2008
An Anchor in the Time of Storm, William E. Brown
Engaging Politics, William E. Brown
Making Sense of Power, Politics, and the Presidency, William E. Brown
Making Sense of Truth in the Tempest, William E. Brown
Neanderthals Chasing Bigfoot? The State of the Gender Debate in the Southern Baptist Convention, Jason Duesing and Thomas White
e-Discovery, David Rotman
Submissions from 2007
A View of Morality, William E. Brown
Making Sense of Human Dignity in the Biotech Century, William E. Brown
Making Sense of Human Sexuality amid Cultural Confusion, William E. Brown
Worldviews Under the Microscope, William E. Brown
When Cars and Pigs Fly, David Rotman
The Defense of Religious Liberty by the Anabaptists and the English Baptists, Thomas White