This collection showcases presentations made by Cedarville University faculty members at various conferences, workshops, and other public venues.


Presentations from 2001

The Effects of Phonology and Orthography in Reading Chinese: Evidence from Eye-Movement, Di Wu, N. Wu, and H. Shu
Psychology Faculty Presentations

Presentations from 2000

Preparing Piano Students for Competitions, Evaluations, and Auditions, Connie A. Anderson
Music and Worship Faculty Presentations

Narcotic Analgesics, Douglas C. Anderson
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Roundtable Discussion: The Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics of Treatment Options for Osteoarthritis, Douglas C. Anderson
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Fee-For-Service Drug Information Centers in Canada, UK, and USA, Miriam A. Ansong
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

The Classroom Flip: Becoming the Guide by the Side, J. Wesley Baker
Communication Faculty Presentations

The Classroom Flip: Becoming the Guide by the Side, J. Wesley Baker
Communication Faculty Presentations

The Classroom Flip: Becoming the Guide by the Side, J. Wesley Baker
Communication Faculty Presentations

Why Use a CMS?, J. Wesley Baker
Communication Faculty Presentations

Stress Responses in the Surgical Patient, Lois K. Baker
Nursing Faculty Presentations

Interdisciplinary Teams: Contributions to the System, Jeb Ballentine
Pharmacy Faculty Presentations

Increased Productivity with AC Drives for Mining Excavators and Haul Trucks, Gerald M. Brown, B. J. Ebacher, and W. G. Koellner
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Presentations

Training Pharm.D. Preceptors Workshop, J. Cable, Marc A. Sweeney, and V. Mauro
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Means and Ends: Loving the Word in The Lost Tools of Learning, Scott D. Calhoun
English, Literature, and Modern Languages Faculty Presentations

Alterations in Eating, Current Eating Habits, and Educational Needs of Persons with a Laryngectomy, Sharon K. Christman, T. A. Lennie, and R. A. Jadack
Nursing Faculty Presentations

Endo Shusaku, Daniel D. Clark
English, Literature, and Modern Languages Faculty Presentations

Japan: A Case Study, Daniel D. Clark
English, Literature, and Modern Languages Faculty Presentations

Medical Errors, K. Crea and Marc A. Sweeney
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Comparison of Metabolic and Subjective Response of Three Modalities in College-age Subjects, April D. Crommett, L. Kravitz, J. Wongsathikun, and S. Kemerly
Allied Health Faculty Presentations

What Faculty Expect from Library Collections, Julie D. Deardorff
Library Faculty Presentations

Is There a West? Analysis of Content and News Values in the English-Language Online Press, Charles W. Elliott
Communication Faculty Presentations

Patterns of Antibiotic Use in the Treatment of Urinary Tract Infections in Nursing Home Residents, Marty L. Eng
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Common Injuries in Adolescent Athletes, Clifford W. Fawcett III
Nursing Faculty Presentations

Differential Diagnosis and Treatment of Three Common Knee Disorders, Clifford W. Fawcett III
Nursing Faculty Presentations

Evaluation of Common Knee Disorders, Clifford W. Fawcett III
Nursing Faculty Presentations

Evaluation of Common Shoulder Disorders, Clifford W. Fawcett III
Nursing Faculty Presentations

Spirituality and Spiritual Care: Implications for Nursing Practice, Connie Bierly Ford
Nursing Faculty Presentations

Fairmont High School Girls Basketball Camp, Kathleen Freese
Allied Health Faculty Presentations

Hillcrest Hoopsters Basketball Camp, Kathleen Freese
Allied Health Faculty Presentations

The Heart of a Champion, Kathleen Freese
Allied Health Faculty Presentations

West Liberty-Salem Girls High School Basketball Camp, Kathleen Freese
Allied Health Faculty Presentations

When Do We Get to Play?, Kathleen Freese
Allied Health Faculty Presentations

Invited Lecture, Kevin Heath
English, Literature, and Modern Languages Faculty Presentations

Featured Speaker, Evan V. Hellwig
Allied Health Faculty Presentations

Advanced Field Instructor Orientation, Nelson Henning
Social Work Faculty Presentations

Increasing Influenza Vaccine Rates in a Family Practice Center, J. Herritt, R. J. Snow, and Marc A. Sweeney
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Stability of Coping Factors Between Chinese and Taiwanese Teachers, Chi-en Hwang, Robert F. Scherer, C. H. Hwang, and Y. Wu
Psychology Faculty Presentations

Drug Utilization Evaluation of Selective COX-2 Inhibitors, N. M. Klepec, J. P. Ziegler, K. L. Kier, and Marc A. Sweeney
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Chemorepellents, Development, and Life as We Know it: What You and Tetrahymena May Have in Common, Heather G. Kuruvilla
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations

Chemorepellents, Development, and Life as We Know it: What You and Tetrahymena May Have in Common, Heather G. Kuruvilla
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations


Mechanical vs. Static Diffusion of Three Stains Under Confocal Microscopy, B. Li and Timothy L. Norman
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Presentations

Addressing the Needs of Divergent Learning Styles, Barbara L. Loach
English, Literature, and Modern Languages Faculty Presentations

How Modern is America? The Concern for Virtue in the Constitutional Order, Justin D. Lyons
History and Government Faculty Presentations

Thucydides as Tragic Poet, Justin D. Lyons and Donald Kagan
History and Government Faculty Presentations

Abraham Lincoln and the Copperhead Movement, Thomas S. Mach
History and Government Faculty Presentations

The Evangelical Christian and the American Political System, Thomas S. Mach
History and Government Faculty Presentations

Electronic and Structural Consequences of n-Doping: Bithiazole Oligomers and Partially Reduced Bithiazolium Cations, Mark D. McClain and D. S. Dudis
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations

Synthesis and Modeling of Benzimidazoles for n-Doped Polymers, Mark D. McClain and D. S. Dudis
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations

Guest Lecture at Ohio Wesleyan University, James D. Mellick
Art, Design, and Theatre Faculty Presentations

Guest Lecture at the Columbus College of Art and Design, James D. Mellick
Art, Design, and Theatre Faculty Presentations

Guest Lecture at the University of Kentucky, James D. Mellick
Art, Design, and Theatre Faculty Presentations

The Ministry of the Spirit in the Pauline Epistles: Some Preliminary Thoughts and Proposals, Robert W. Milliman
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations

Innovative Writing Assignments for Literature Courses, Julie L. Moore
English, Literature, and Modern Languages Faculty Presentations


The Mechanics of Ultrastructural Damage Occurrence and Its Influence on the Fracture Toughness of Human Cortical Bone, G. P. Parsamian, Timothy L. Norman, and V. L. Kish III
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Presentations

Market Reactions to Seasoned Equity Offerings and Subsequent Abnormal Returns, William F. Ragle and P. F. Roden
Business Administration Faculty Presentations

Effect of Managerial Choice on Book-to-Market Ratio in the Utility Industry (conference paper), William F. Ragle and J. Theis
Business Administration Faculty Presentations

Hearing by the Numbers, Samuel L. SanGregory
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Presentations

Ideas for Improving the Knowledge of New Tax Practitioners, Paul G. Schloemer
Business Administration Faculty Presentations

Structural Modification of Sol-gel Materials Through Retro Diels-Alder Reaction, R. M. Shaltout, D. A. Loy, Mark D. McClain, M. D. Prabakar, S. Greaves, and Kenneth J. Shea
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations

In Tune or Off Key? The Christian Right and Factionalism with the Republican Party of the South, Mark Caleb Smith
History and Government Faculty Presentations

Palliative Care Certificate Program, D. Stansloski and Marc A. Sweeney
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Herbs and Dietary Supplements Workshop 2000, Marc A. Sweeney
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Herbs and Dietary Supplements Workshop 2000, Marc A. Sweeney
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Herbs and Dietary Supplements Workshop 2000, Marc A. Sweeney
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Holistic Approach to Health Care: Alternative Medicine and Complementary Therapies, Marc A. Sweeney
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Managing Drug Interactions in the Family Practice Setting, Marc A. Sweeney
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Nutritional Supplements and Heart Disease, Marc A. Sweeney
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Palliative Care Certificate Program, Marc A. Sweeney
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Pharmacotherapy of Vascular Headaches, Marc A. Sweeney
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Cholesterol Management at Two Family Practice Clinics: An Evaluation Prior to Intervention, Marc A. Sweeney, C. Acierno, R. J. Snow, and W. Wozniak
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Collaboration Between Pharmacy and Family Medicine to Teach Pharmacotherapeutics Via the Internet, Marc A. Sweeney and M. M. Schuster
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Writing in the Intermediate Grades, Betty Ruth Sylvester
Education Faculty Presentations

Writing in the Primary Grades, Betty Ruth Sylvester
Education Faculty Presentations

Writing in the Primary Grades, Betty Ruth Sylvester
Education Faculty Presentations

β-amyloid, Tumor Necrosis Factor, and Neurodegeneration, Phillip L. Thornton
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

In Spring a Young Man's Fancy Turns to . . . Taxes!, Bert G. Wheeler
Business Administration Faculty Presentations

The Biblical Basis for Distinguishing Between Capitalism and Socialism, Bert G. Wheeler
Business Administration Faculty Presentations

Presentations from 1999

Herbal and Non-traditional Medicines, Douglas C. Anderson
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Bone Marrow Transplant in Sickle Cell Disease, Miriam A. Ansong
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Efficacy and the Role of Intra-articular Hyaluronan in Osteoarthritis, Miriam A. Ansong
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Management of Cystinosis Fanconi Syndrome, Miriam A. Ansong
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Management of Neuropathic Pain, Miriam A. Ansong
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

OFIC/Ameritech Project, J. Wesley Baker
Communication Faculty Presentations

Technology for Learning's Sake: Effective Practices in IT for Teaching and Learning, J. Wesley Baker
Communication Faculty Presentations

Effective Uses of Online Discussion, J. Wesley Baker and Sandra W. Harner
Communication Faculty Presentations

Update on Herbal Preparations & Nutritional Supplements, Jeb Ballentine
Pharmacy Faculty Presentations

Teaching Critical Thinking, Eddie K. Baumann
Education Faculty Presentations

Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions for Bruxism Accompanying Temporomandibular Dysfunction, Milton E. Becknell
Psychology Faculty Presentations

Impact of OhioLINK on Small College Library Collection Development, Lynn A. Brock
Library Faculty Presentations

Library Staff Recognition and Awards Program, Lynn A. Brock
Library Faculty Presentations

A GTO Powered AC Drive System Increases the Performance of Off-Highway Haul Trucks, Gerald M. Brown and W. G. Koellner
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Presentations

Re-Tooling the Trivium: Reviving an Old Educational Curriculum for New Uses, Scott D. Calhoun
English, Literature, and Modern Languages Faculty Presentations

Alterations in Eating, Current Eating Habits, and Educational Needs of Persons with a Laryngectomy, Sharon K. Christman, T. A. Lennie, and R. A. Jadack
Nursing Faculty Presentations

Comparison of Metabolic and Subjective Response of Three Modalities in College-age Subjects, April D. Crommett
Allied Health Faculty Presentations

Comparison of Metabolic and Subjective Response of Three Modalities in College-age Subjects, April D. Crommett, L. Kravitz, J. Wongsathikun, and S. Kemerly
Allied Health Faculty Presentations

Comparison of Metabolic and Subjective Response of Three Modalities in College-age Subjects, April D. Crommett, L. Kravitz, J. Wongsathikun, and S. Kemerly
Allied Health Faculty Presentations

Promise Keepers, the Men's Movement and Male Resistance, Donald L. Deardorff
English, Literature, and Modern Languages Faculty Presentations

Hofstede's Masculine-Feminine Cultural Dimension in Magazine Ads from Germany and Hong Kong, Charles W. Elliott
Communication Faculty Presentations

The Asian Online Newspaper: A Media Richness Evaluation, Charles W. Elliott
Communication Faculty Presentations

Differential Diagnosis and Treatment of Three Common Knee Disorders, Clifford W. Fawcett III
Nursing Faculty Presentations