This collection showcases presentations made by Cedarville University faculty members at various conferences, workshops, and other public venues.


Presentations from 1998

Models of Academic/Industry Relationships and Learning, Sandra W. Harner
Communication Faculty Presentations

What It Takes to Win in STC Competition, Sandra W. Harner
Communication Faculty Presentations

What's in a Name?, Sandra W. Harner
Communication Faculty Presentations

Identification and Treatment of Athletic Injuries, Evan V. Hellwig
Allied Health Faculty Presentations

Prevention of Athletic Injuries, Evan V. Hellwig
Allied Health Faculty Presentations

Rehabilitation of Athletic Injuries, Evan V. Hellwig
Allied Health Faculty Presentations

Alcohol Addiction in the Christian Community, Nelson Henning
Social Work Faculty Presentations

Quality of Life and the Learn Weight Loss System, C. M. Hunter, D. N. Lombard, Milton E. Becknell, D. P. Tansley, and G. W. Talcott
Psychology Faculty Presentations

Quality of Life Increases for Patients with Multiple Medical Problems, C. M. Hunter, D. N. Lombard, Milton E. Becknell, D. P. Tansley, and G. W. Talcott
Psychology Faculty Presentations

Pull-out Strength of a Polished, Tapered Cemented Total Hip Stem, K. Hustosky, Timothy L. Norman, V. L. Kish III, T. A. Gruen, and J. D. Blaha
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Presentations

Motivating Adults to Become Active Participants in Sunday School: An Analysis of Perceptions of Classroom Environment (Presentation), Thomas Hutchison
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations

Identifying Coping Strategies Among High School Teachers in Taiwan, Chi-en Hwang and C. H. Hwang
Psychology Faculty Presentations

Measuring Teacher Burnout in Taiwan, Chi-en Hwang, C. H. Hwang, and Robert F. Scherer
Psychology Faculty Presentations

Moving from the Agony of Defeat to the Thrill of Victory: A Model of Academic Intervention Based on Attribution Theory, William I. Jones
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations

Effects of Age and [D-Ala2]-Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone on Local Cerebral Blood Flow in Hippocampus and Cortex, A. S. Khan, C. D. Lynch, Phillip L. Thornton, P. T. Cooney, S. A. Bennett, R. L. Ingram, and W. E. Sonntag
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Chemosensory Responses of Tetrahymena thermophila to CB2, a 24-Amino Acid Fragment of Lysozyme, Heather G. Kuruvilla and T. M. Hennessey
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations

Determining the Molecular Mechanisms for Adaptation of Tetrahymena thermophila to Chemorepellents, Heather G. Kuruvilla, S. R. Mace, J. M. Cantor, C. M. Kooy, and B. D. Caldwell
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations

Parenting with Wit and Wisdom, Maurice Lee
Social Work Faculty Presentations

Dynamic Raman Measurement of Polymers for Intelligent Manufacturing, Cherish Christina Lesko, J. F. Rabolt, and B. Chase
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Presentations

Raman Studies of Crystalline Reorientation in PET Fibers During Continuous Draw, Cherish Christina Lesko, J. F. Rabolt, and B. Chase
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Presentations

Medication Misadventuring: A Nursing Focus, Jeffrey D. Lewis
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Pharmacist Assessment and Problem-Solving Skills Workshop, Jeffrey D. Lewis
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Improving the Quality of Life for COPD Patients, D. N. Lombard, C. M. Hunter, Milton E. Becknell, D. P. Tansley, and G. W. Talcott
Psychology Faculty Presentations

Improving TMD Patient's Pain Symptoms and Mental Health, D. N. Lombard, C. M. Hunter, Milton E. Becknell, D. P. Tansley, and G. W. Talcott
Psychology Faculty Presentations

Effect of Caloric Restriction on Local Cerebral Blood Flow in Aged Rats, C. D. Lynch, W. E. Sonntag, P. T. Cooney, R. L. Ingram, S. A. Bennett, Phillip L. Thornton, and A. S. Khan
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Hearts and Minds: Honors Education at Christian Institutions, Thomas S. Mach
History and Government Faculty Presentations

Pendleton, Professors, Pedagogy, and Prayer, Thomas S. Mach
History and Government Faculty Presentations

Political Campaigning and the Christian, Thomas S. Mach
History and Government Faculty Presentations

Electronic Properties of Bithiazole Oligomers, Mark D. McClain and D. S. Dudis
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations

Recommendations for Curricular Revision in the Secondary Theatre Education Model, Diane C. Merchant
Art, Design, and Theatre Faculty Presentations

The Forgotten Qualification for Missionaries: The Relationship Between the Spiritual Status of a Missionary's Children and His Status to Serve, Robert W. Milliman
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations

Fracture Mechanics in Orthopaedic Research, Timothy L. Norman
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Presentations

Mechanisms of Cortical Bone Fragility, Timothy L. Norman
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Presentations

Prospects for Integration of Section 263A and Activity-Based Costing, Paul G. Schloemer
Business Administration Faculty Presentations

The Virtual Pilot, Daryl R. Smith
Business Administration Faculty Presentations

Payback or Continunity? GOP Support of the Religious Right in the House of Representatives, Mark Caleb Smith
History and Government Faculty Presentations

The Impact of Traditional and Alternative Media on Public Support for the Christian Coalition, Mark Caleb Smith
History and Government Faculty Presentations

Selection of Technology for Distance Learning, Daniel M. Sternsher
Art, Design, and Theatre Faculty Presentations

A Physician Looks at Crucifixion, Dennis M. Sullivan
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations

Cardiovascular Anatomy and Physiology: An Integrated Approach, Dennis M. Sullivan
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Highly Selective Vagotomy, Dennis M. Sullivan
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Methods of Anatomy/Physiology Integration, Dennis M. Sullivan
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Teaching Exercise Physiology, Dennis M. Sullivan
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

The Abdominal Exam, Dennis M. Sullivan
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Antimicrobial Resistance Trends, Marc A. Sweeney
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Choosing an NSAID, Marc A. Sweeney
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Epilepsy and Parkinson's Disease Pharmacotherapy, Marc A. Sweeney
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Herbs and Dietary Supplements, Marc A. Sweeney
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Herbs and Dietary Supplements, Marc A. Sweeney
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Herbs and Dietary Supplements, Marc A. Sweeney
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Herbs and Drugs: A Medical Challenge, Marc A. Sweeney
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Herbs and Drugs: A Medical Challenge, Marc A. Sweeney
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Pharmacotherapy of Vascular Headaches, Marc A. Sweeney
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

So You Want to be a Rock and Roll Star: Creating Your Own CD-ROM, G. D. Theilman and Douglas C. Anderson
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Growth Hormone, Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 and the Aging Brain, Phillip L. Thornton
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

The Role of IGF-1 in Memory and Dopamine D2 Receptor Function of Aged Rats, Phillip L. Thornton
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Regulates Activity of Dopamine D2 Receptors in Aged Animals, Phillip L. Thornton, S. A. Bennett, and W. E. Sonntag
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Developing an Ethics Simulation for Business Seniors, Bert G. Wheeler
Business Administration Faculty Presentations

Mission and Persecution in Mark's Gospel, Joel F. Williams
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations

Alpha and Beta Blockade in Obese and Lean Hypertensive Patients, M. R. Wofford, C. T. Adair, Douglas C. Anderson, J. E. Hall, M. E. Miller, and D. W. Jones
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

The First-Year Research Paper: Writing for Identity, Michelle M. Wood
English, Literature, and Modern Languages Faculty Presentations

Hydroxyapatite Crystal Perfection Influences the Fracture Toughness of Human Cortical Bone, Y. N. Yeni and Timothy L. Norman
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Presentations

Presentations from 1997

Essential Clinical Statistics, Douglas C. Anderson
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Drug Information Monograph (ZENARESTAT), Miriam A. Ansong
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

The Use of Inhaled Corticosteroids in Asthma, Miriam A. Ansong
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

The OFIC ToolBox for Faculty Collaboration, J. Wesley Baker
Communication Faculty Presentations

The Scholarship of Integration: Institutional Collaboration on Faculty Development, J. Wesley Baker
Communication Faculty Presentations

Hormonal Responses to Surgery, Lois K. Baker
Nursing Faculty Presentations

Changing Roles on Campus: Librarians as Information Leaders, Lynn A. Brock
Library Faculty Presentations

Managing the Future When the Target Keeps Moving: The Changing Roles of Educational Leadership, Lynn A. Brock
Library Faculty Presentations

Modeling of Surface Roughening, Timothy B. Dewhurst
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Presentations

Measurement and Quantification of Surface Roughness, Timothy B. Dewhurst and S. D. Mason
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Presentations

Asian Values and the Vietnamese Press: Analysis of the Saigon Giai Phong, Charles W. Elliott
Communication Faculty Presentations

Bystanders at the Revolution: A Profile on Non-Users of Computer-Mediated Communication in Hong Kong Universities, Charles W. Elliott
Communication Faculty Presentations

Defining Development News Values: A Study of Press Releases from the New China News Agency, Charles W. Elliott
Communication Faculty Presentations

Individualism and Collectivism in Representations of Sports: A Comparison of China Sports and Sports Illustrated., Charles W. Elliott
Communication Faculty Presentations

Intercultural Communication Competency, Charles W. Elliott
Communication Faculty Presentations

Internet Use Among Academics: A Profile of Computer-Mediated Communication Use in Hong Kong Universities, Charles W. Elliott
Communication Faculty Presentations

Through the Dragon's Eyes: News of the United States in the Press Releases of the New China News Agency, Charles W. Elliott
Communication Faculty Presentations

Nutrition and the Christian High School Student, Kathleen Freese
Allied Health Faculty Presentations

Recent Progress in Classifying Alt_5 and SL(2, 5) Subgroups of Exceptional Complex Lie Groups Up to Conjugacy, Darrin D. Frey
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations

Application of a Finite-Volume Time-Domain Maxwell Equation Solver to Three-Dimensional Objects, Frederick G. Harmon
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Presentations

Presenting a Professional Portfolio, Sandra W. Harner
Communication Faculty Presentations

Teaching Technology: Immersing Students in a High-Tech Environment, Sandra W. Harner
Communication Faculty Presentations

An Integrated Engineering Honors Program, Harwood A. Hegna
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Presentations

Prevention, Management, and Rehabilitation of Common Athletic Injuries, Evan V. Hellwig
Allied Health Faculty Presentations

Drug-Free Workplace, Nelson Henning
Social Work Faculty Presentations

Stress and Temperature Dependent NiTi Transformations, D. L. Herbert, M. D. Bagby, and Timothy L. Norman
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Presentations

The Adult Learner: Principles for the Practice of Teaching, Thomas Hutchison
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations

Burnout and Coping Among High School Teachers in Taiwan, Chi-en Hwang, C. H. Hwang, and Robert F. Scherer
Psychology Faculty Presentations

A Sense of Spiritual Well-Being Among Students in Christian Higher Education, Chi-en Hwang and J. Riggs
Psychology Faculty Presentations

Coping Stability in the Public Sector Workers, Chi-en Hwang, Robert F. Scherer, and James Li
Psychology Faculty Presentations

The Effect of Diet Intervention on Antihypertensive Medication Requirements in the Hypertension Optimal Treatment (Hot) Trial, D. W. Jones, M. E. Miller, M. R. Wofford, Douglas C. Anderson, M. E. Cameron, D. L. Willoughby, C. T. Adair, and N. S. King
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

ATP Receptors and Chemosensory Adaptation in Tetrahymena thermophila, M. Kim, Heather G. Kuruvilla, S. Raghu, and T. M. Hennessey
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations

Purification of a Chemorepellent Receptor from Tetrahymena, Heather G. Kuruvilla
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations

Purification of a Chemorepellent Receptor from Tetrahymena thermophila, Heather G. Kuruvilla and T. M. Hennessey
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations

George Hunt Pendleton: A Significant but Neglected Figure in the History of Nineteenth Century Politics, Thomas S. Mach
History and Government Faculty Presentations

George Hunt Pendleton, The Ohio Idea and Political Continuity in Reconstruction America, Thomas S. Mach
History and Government Faculty Presentations

Dramaturgy, Diane C. Merchant
Art, Design, and Theatre Faculty Presentations

Recommended Format for Student-Written Discussion and Resource Guides, Diane C. Merchant
Art, Design, and Theatre Faculty Presentations