Volume 1 (1986)
Title Page
Table of Contents
Basic Sessions
Mount St. Helens and Catastrophism
Steven Austin
The Problem of Time
Jerry Bergman
Does the Bible Speak of a Vapor Canopy?
R. Russell Bixler
The Fountains of the Great Deep
Walter T. Brown
The Canyon of Canyons
Clifford L. Burdick
The Age of the Earth
Donald E. Chittick
The Great Delusion
Apostolos Ch. Frangos
The Origin of Life
Duane T. Gish
Modern Science and Scripture
James L. Hall
The Myths of Cranial Capacity and Intelligence
Douglas Sumio Jue
After His Kind: The Biological Unit of Creation
Lane P. Lester and Raymond G. Bohlin
A Call for Reformation in Modern Science
Charles W. Lucas Jr.
There Really Was an Ice Age
Bernard E. Northrup
The Truth About Radiometric Dating
William M. Overn
Stretching Time: The Magic in Evolution
John G. Read
The Sky Has Fallen
Larry Vardiman
Biblical Hermeneutics and Creation
Robert E. Walsh
Recent Creation and Worldwide Flood: The Perfect Agreement Between Biblical Chronology, Recorded History, and Other Extra-biblical Geochronometers
Robert L. Whitelaw
The Way Geologists Date!
Kurt P. Wise
Educational Sessions
The Age of the World: Beyond Reasonable Doubt
Paul D. Ackerman
It's a Young World After All: Easily Understood Evidence
Paul D. Ackerman
True Science Education and the Creation Evolution Controversy
Richard B. Bliss
Perpetuation of Creationism Through Theistic Education
Ronald E. Johnson
Trends in Constitutional Law; Teaching and Dissemination of Creation Science
Robert Russell Melnick
Methods of Teaching About Time
John M. Moore
Teaching Theories on Origins Without Controversy
Luther D. Sunderland
Teaching Theories on Origins: An Approach That Works
Luther D. Sunderland
Nonequilibrium Radiocarbon Dating Substantiated
Melvin A. Cook
Technical Symposium Sessions
Tight Folds and Clastic Dikes as Evidence for Rapid Deposition and Deformation of Two Very Thick Stratigraphic Sequences
Steven A. Austin
Radioactive Halos: Implications for Creation
Robert Gentry
Reversals of the Earth's Magnetic Field During the Genesis Flood
D. Russell Humphreys
A New Unified Theory of Modern Science
Charles W. Lucas
Geologic Challenges to a Young Earth
Glenn R. Morton
An Ice Age Within the Biblical Time Frame
Michael J. Oard
A Walk Through Time: A Study in Harmonization
Bernard E. Northrup
Radiometric Dating: An Unconvincing Art
William M. Overn and Russell T. Arndts
Is the Precession of Mercury's Perihelion a Natural (Non-Relativistic) Phenomenon?
Francisco Salvador Ramirez Avila
How Fast Do Rocks Form?
Kurt Wise
Additional Topics
Life, Time and Man
John J. Davis
The Discovery of Quasi-Human Ichnofossils in the Glen Rose Dolomite, Paluxy River, Texas
John W. DeVilbiss
Creation Confronts Evolution
Robert Gentry
The Crumbling of Evolution
D. James Kennedy
A Periodic Table
Hugh S. Powlison