Science and Mathematics Faculty Publications | School of Science and Mathematics | Cedarville University

Science and Mathematics Faculty Publications



Publications from 2012


Expendable High Energy Density Thermal Management Material: Ammonium Carbamate, Joel E. Schmidt, Douglas S. Dudis, and Douglas J. Miller


Book Review: Beyond Bumper Sticker Ethics, Dennis M. Sullivan


Book Review: Changing Human Nature, Dennis M. Sullivan


Book Review: The Law of Life and Death, Dennis M. Sullivan


Thinking the Unthinkable: A Response to 'After-Birth' Abortion, Dennis M. Sullivan and Heather G. Kuruvilla


Massive Modern Reefs—Finding Time to Grow, John Whitmore

The Significance of Soft-Sediment Deformation in the Permian Deposits in the Vicinity of Sedona, Arizona, John Whitmore and G. Forsythe

Significance of Parabolic Recumbent Folds in Permian Rocks, Sedona, Arizona, John Whitmore, G. Forsythe, and P. A. Garner

Publications from 2011


Loss of PKCδ results in characteristics of Sjögren’s syndrome including salivary gland dysfunction, G. P. Banninger, S. Said, S. Cha, Kaleb M. Pauley, C. J. Carter, M. Onate, B. A. Pauley, S. M. Anderson, and M. E. Reyland


Soybean Seed Protein, Oil, and Fatty Acids are Altered by S and S + N Fertilizers Under Irrigated or Non-irrigated Environments, N. Bellaloui, M. W. Ebelhar, A. M. Gillen, D. K. Fisher, H. K. Abbas, A. Mengistu, K. N. Reddy, and Robert L. Paris


An Energy Use and Emissions Inventory, Robert Chasnov and Mark Gathany


Cutting Away from the Power Grid, Robert Chasnov and Mark Gathany

Can compaction account for lower-than-expected cross-bed dips in the Coconino Sandstone (Permian), Arizona?, M. Emery, S. A. Maithel, and John Whitmore

What do we know about marine sand waves? A review of their occurrence, morphology and structure, P. A. Garner and John Whitmore


Rest for All Creation, Mark A. Gathany


Post-fire soil fluxes of CO2, CH4 and N2O along the Colorado Front Range, Mark A. Gathany and Ingrid C. Burke


Thin-Type Dense Sets and Related Properties, Jennifer D. Hutchison and G. Gruenhage


Presence of Porphyromonas gingivalis in gingival squamous cell carcinoma, J. Katz, M. Onate, Kaleb M. Pauley, I Bhattacharyya, and S. Cha


Access to Oxetane-containing psico-Nucleosides from 2-Methyleneoxetanes: A Role for Neighboring Group Participation?, Yanke Liang, Nathan E. Hnatiuk, John M. Rowley, Bryan T. Whiting, Geoffrey William Coates, Paul R. Rablen, Martha Morton, and Amy R. Howell


miRNA-146a in rheumatoid arthritis: a new therapeutic strategy, Kaleb M. Pauley and S. Cha


Altered miR-146a expression in Sjögren's syndrome and its functional role in innate immunity, Kaleb M. Pauley, A. E. Gauna, L. C. Dupre, R. Kuklani, C. Stewart, A. L. Chan, B. A. Pauley, W. H. Reeves, K. L. Chan, and S. Cha


A secretagogue-siRNA conjugate confers resistance to cytotoxicity in a cell model of Sjögren's syndrome, Kaleb M. Pauley, A. E. Gauna, I. I. Grichtchenko, E. K. Chan, and S. Cha

On an Integral Related to Two-dimensional Random Walk, Zhaohui (George) Qin

The Use of Ammonium Carbamate as a High Specific Thermal Energy Density Material for the Thermal Management of Low Grade Heat, J. E. Schmidt, D. S. Dudis, Douglas J. Miller, and J. Susoreny


The Use of Ammonium Carbamate as a High Energy Density Thermal Energy Storage Material, Joel E. Schmidt, Douglas S. Dudis, and Douglas J. Miller


Experimental and Theoretical Study of Bound and Quasibound States of CE-, C. W. Walter, Lin Pan, N. D. Gibson, Y.-G. Li, D. J. Matyas, R. M. Alton, S. E. Lou, R. L. Field, D. Hanstorp, and Donald R. Beck

New Finds in the Coconino Sandstone, Arizona, John Whitmore, G. Forsythe, R. Strom, and P. A. Garner

Unusual bedding styles for the Coconino Sandstone (Permian), Arizona, John Whitmore, G. Forsythe, R. Strom, and P. A. Garner

Publications from 2010


Improved RCI techniques for Atomic 4f^n Excitation Energies and Polarizabilities, D. R. Beck and Lin Pan


Soybean seed protein, oil, fatty acids, and mineral composition as influenced by soybean-corn rotation, N. Bellaloui, H. A. Bruns, A. M. Gillen, H. K. Abbas, R. M. Zablotowicz, and Robert L. Paris

Persistence of Dolomite in the Coconino Sandstone, Northern and Central Arizona, S. Cheung, R. Strom, and John Whitmore

Widespread dolomite in the Coconino Sandstone, Arizona, USA, S. Cheung, R. Strom, and John Whitmore


The Effect of a Cationic Porphyrin on Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilms, Tracy L. Collins, Elizabeth A. Markus, Daniel J. Hassett, and Jayne B. Robinson


Design and Synthesis of an Activity-Based Probe Template for Protein Kinases, Amy Howell, Santosh Keshipeddy, Yu Shi, Nathan E. Hnatiuk, Martha Morton, and Xudong Yao

Did Mercury Poisoning Create a Toxic Flood?, Aaron R. Hutchison

Adolescent and Young Adult Safety in the Science Classroom Portfolio: NCATE/NSTA Assessment #6, William I. Jones

Adolescent and Young Adult Science Education Portfolio: NCATE/NSTA Assessment #8, William I. Jones


A CD1d-Dependent Antagonist Inhibits the Activation of Invariant NKT Cells and Prevents Development of Allergen-Induced Airway Hyperreactivity, Vincent Lombardi, Philippe Stock, Abinav K. Singh, Jerome Kerzerho, Wen Yang, Barbara A. Sullivan, Xiangming Li, Takayuki Shiratsuchi, Nathan E. Hnatiuk, Amy R. Howell, Karl O.A. Yu, Steven A. Porcelli, Moriya Tsuji, Mitchell Kronenberg, S. Brian Wilson, and Omid Akbari

Re-Thinking Algebra in Middle Grades: Mathematical Thinking vs. Mathematical Tools, A. Manouchehri, Sarah Gilchrist, and R. Somayajulu

Making an Educated Choice About Dual Enrollment, Mark D. McClain

Irrigation and Time of Harvest Effects on Evaluation of Selected Soybean Accessions Against Phomopsis longicolla, A. Mengistu, J. R. Bellaloui, Robert L. Paris, and J. A. Wrather


Calculations of Hf- electron affinity and photodetachment partial cross sections, Lin Pan and D. R. Beck


Candidates for Laser Cooling of Atomic Anions: La- versus Os-, Lin Pan and D. R. Beck


Formation of GW/P bodies as marker for microRNA-mediated regulation of innate immune signaling in THP-1 cells, Kaleb M. Pauley, M. Satoh, B. A. Pauley, P. R. Dominguez-Gutierrez, S. M. Pop, S. M. Holliday, and W. H. Reeves

Garden of the Gods at Colorado Springs: Paleozoic and Mesozoic sedimentation and tectonics, M. R. Ross, W. A. Hoesch, S. A. Austin, John Whitmore, and T. L. Clarey


Book Review: Embryo, Dennis M. Sullivan


The Missing Peace, Dennis M. Sullivan


Quantifying Spectral Features of Type Ia Supernovae, Andrew J. Wagers

Preliminary report and significance of grain size sorting in modern eolian sands, John Whitmore

Preliminary report on sorting and rounding in the Coconino Sandstone, John Whitmore and S. A. Maithel

Clay Content: A Simple Criterion for the Identification of Fossil Desiccation Cracks?, John Whitmore and R. Strom


Sand Injectites at the Base of the Coconino Sandstone, Grand Canyon, Arizona, John Whitmore and R. Strom

Textural trends in the Coconino Sandstone, central and northern Arizona, USA, John Whitmore and R. Strom

Preliminary Hypothesis for the Origin of the Carolina Sandhills, John Whitmore, R. Strom, and D. Faulkner


On a Homoclinic Manifold of a Coupled Long-wave-short-wave System, Otis C. Wright III

Publications from 2009

Characterization of Sand in the Nebraska Sandhills, K. Baechtle and John Whitmore


Litter Decomposition in Grasslands of Central North America (US Great Plains), Eliana E. Bontii, Joseph P. Decant, Seth M. Munson, Mark A. Gathany, Agnieszka Przeszlowska, Michelle L. Haddix, Stephanie Owens, Ingrid C. Burke, William J. Parton, and Mark E. Harmon


Inflammatory caspases are critical for enhanced cell death in the target tissue of Sjögren's syndrome before disease onset, M. Bulosan, Kaleb M. Pauley, K. Yo, E. K. Chan, J. Katz, A. B. Peck, and S. Cha


Contrast in Aberrant MicroRNA Expression in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Rheumatoid Arthritis: Is MicroRNA-146 All We Need?, E. K. Chan, M. Satoh, and Kaleb M. Pauley

Occurrence of dolomite beds, clasts, ooids and unidentified microfossils in the Coconino Sandstone, Northern, Arizona, S. Cheung, R. Strom, and John Whitmore


RAGE expression and NF-kappaB activation attenuated by extracellular domain of RAGE in human salivary gland cell line, C. Chuong, J. Katz, Kaleb M. Pauley, M. Bulosan, and S. Cha

Cytogenetic analysis of American chestnut (Castanea dentata) using fluorescent in situ hybridization, I. N. Faridi, F. V. Hebard, Robert L. Paris, R. L. Phillips, and R. L. Nelson


On the Exact Solution for Smooth Pulses of the Defocusing Schroedinger Modulation Equations Prior to Breaking, M. G. Forest, C. Rosenberg, and Otis C. Wright III


In the Beginning, Steven M. Gollmer


The Playground! Solutions to Problems 224, 225, and 227, Adam J. Hammett

Arsenic Chemistry, K. R. Henke and Aaron R. Hutchison


Debunking Those Pesky Creation Myths, Aaron R. Hutchison

Mercury and the Genesis Flood, Aaron R. Hutchison


What God Meant for Good, Heather G. Kuruvilla


miR-146a is critical for endotoxin-induced tolerance: implication in innate immunity, M. A. Nahid, Kaleb M. Pauley, M. Satoh, and E. K. Chan

Planting and Monitoring Chestnut on Abandoned Sites, Robert L. Paris


High-Oil Soybean for More Efficient Energy Conversion to Soy-Based Biodiesel, Robert L. Paris, J. D. Ray, J. R. Smith, and D. L. Boykin


MicroRNA in autoimmunity and autoimmune diseases, Kaleb M. Pauley, S. Cha, and E. K. Chan

Identification of Soybean Accessions with High Germinability in High-Temperature Environments, J. R. Smith, A. Mengistu, R. L. Nelson, and Robert L. Paris


Clinical Ethics Case Consultation: Is It Permissible To Forgo Emergent Restorative Surgery In This Case?, Dennis M. Sullivan and Susan A. Salladay

Do Mud Cracks Indicate Multiple Droughts During the Flood?, John Whitmore

Fossil Preservation, John Whitmore


Listening to Fossils, John Whitmore

Modern and Ancient Reefs, John Whitmore


The Rocks Cry Out, John Whitmore

Petrographic Analysis of the Coconino Sandstone, Northern and Central Arizona, John Whitmore and R. Strom


Some Homoclinic Connections of a Novel Integrable Generalized Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation, Otis C. Wright III

Publications from 2008


GTP Avoidance in Tetrahymena thermophila Requires Tyrosine Kinase Activity, Intracellular Calcium, NOS, and Guanylyl Cyclase, Janine Bartholomew, Johnathan Reichart, Romie Mundy, Jacquelyn Recktenwald, Shannon Keyser, Mark Riddle, and Heather G. Kuruvilla

Soybean seed composition in cultivars differing in resistance to charcoal rot (Macrophomina phaseolina), N. Bellaloui, A. Mengistu, and Robert L. Paris


Percolating Oxide Film Growth During Cu(111) Oxidation, David M. Gallagher


Modeling Biochemical Processes as Designed Systems, Steven M. Gollmer


How Often Are Two Permutations Comparable?, Adam J. Hammett and Boris Pittel


The Removal of Mercury from Water by Open Chain, Aaron R. Hutchison, David Atwood, and Q. Eduardo Santilliann-Jiminez

Establishment and Growth of Chestnut on Mined Lands, Robert L. Paris


MicroRNAs and their emerging roles in immunology, Kaleb M. Pauley and E. K. Chan


Upregulated miR-146a expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from rheumatoid arthritis patients, Kaleb M. Pauley, M. Satoh, A. L. Chan, M. R. Bubb, W. H. Reeves, and E. K. Chan


A Comparison of the Polycation Receptors of Paramecium tetraurelia and Tetrahymena thermophila, Eric D. Robinette, Kevin T. Gulley, Katherine J. Cassity, Erin E. King, Amber J. Nielsen, Christine L. Rozelle, Timothy J. Warren, James M. Morrow, and Heather G. Kuruvilla


Book Review: Biotechnology and the Human Good, Dennis M. Sullivan


Defending Human Personhood: Some Insights from Natural Law, Dennis M. Sullivan


Complicity and Stem Cell Research: Countering the Utilitarian Argument, Dennis M. Sullivan and Aaron Costerisan


X-ray-absorption Near-edge Structure of Laser-dressed Neon, H. R. Vama, Lin Pan, D. R. Beck, and R. Santra

Aren't Millions of Years Required for Geological Processes?, John Whitmore


Continuing Catastrophes, John Whitmore

Using Suites of Criteria to Recognize pre-Flood, Flood, and post-Flood Strata in the Rock Record with Application to Wyoming (USA), John Whitmore

Rapid and Early post-Flood Mammalian Diversification Evidenced in the Green River Formation, John Whitmore and K. P. Wise