Science and Mathematics Faculty Publications | School of Science and Mathematics | Cedarville University

Science and Mathematics Faculty Publications



Publications from 2007


PilJ Localizes to Cell Poles and Is Required for Type IV Pilus Extension in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Paul A. DeLange, Tracy L. Collins, George E. Pierce, and Jayne B. Robinson


Meet and Join in the Weak Order Lattice, Adam J. Hammett and Boris Pittel

Autoantibodies to key components of RNA interference pathway, K. Ikeda, Kaleb M. Pauley, A. Jakymiw, M. Satoh, M. J. Fritzler, and E. K. Chan


The role of GW/P-bodies in RNA processing and silencing, A. Jakymiw, Kaleb M. Pauley, S. Li, K. Ikeda, S. Lian, T. Eystathioy, M. Satoh, M. J. Fritzler, and E. K. Chan

NSTA Assessment & Standards Matrix, William I. Jones

NSTA Sample Portfolio Assessment #5: Evidence of Student Learning in the Teaching of Science Portfolio Rubric, William I. Jones

Pedagogical and professional knowledge, skills and dispositions, NSTA Assessment #4: Sample Student Teaching Evaluation Rubric, William I. Jones


Bioinformatics in the 21st century, Heather G. Kuruvilla

Charcoal Rot Disease Assessment of Soybean Genotypes Using a Colony-Forming Unit Index, A. Mengistu, J. D. Ray, J. R. Smith, and Robert L. Paris

Chestnut Breeding and Improvement, Robert L. Paris


The Velocity Field and Instability of Rotating Duct Flow, Zhaohui (George) Qin and Richard H. Pletcher


Christians and Creation Care, John E. Silvius


A Blessing in Disguise, Dennis M. Sullivan


Book Review: Genetics, Dennis M. Sullivan


Book Review: The Language of God, Dennis M. Sullivan


Making Sense of the Stem Cell Controversy, Dennis M. Sullivan


Under the Night Sky, Dennis M. Sullivan


Gene Therapy: Restoring Health or Playing God?, Dennis M. Sullivan and Susan A. Salladay


Sorting Through the Stem Cell Hype, Dennis M. Sullivan and Kathy Schoonover-Shoffner


Should Fragile Shells Be Common in the Fossil Record?, John Whitmore


Sasa-Satsuma Equation, Unstable Plane Waves and Heteroclinic Connections (article), Otis C. Wright III

Publications from 2006


A Novel Tin (II) Dithioether Complex, Aaron R. Hutchison and D. A. Atwood


Detection of the argonaute protein Ago2 and microRNAs in the RNA induced silencing complex (RISC) using a monoclonal antibody, K. Ikeda, M. Satoh, Kaleb M. Pauley, M. J. Fritzler, W. H. Reeves, and E. K. Chan

Ideas for a Safety Module: Safety, Legal Issues and Ethical Treatment of Living things in the Science Classroom (NSTA Assessment #6), William I. Jones

Knowledge of Research and Investigation in Science (NSTA Sample Assessment #7), William I. Jones

Secondary Science Teachers (AYA programs) Within Program Reporting Form: Biology Content Standards, William I. Jones

Secondary Science Teachers (AYA programs) Within Program Reporting Form: Chemistry Content Standards, William I. Jones

Secondary Science Teachers (AYA programs) Within Program Reporting Form: Earth and Space Science Content Standards, William I. Jones

Secondary Science Teachers (AYA programs) Within Program Reporting Form: Physics Content Standards, William I. Jones


The Green River Formation of the west-central United States: Flood or post-Flood?, M. J. Oard and John Whitmore

Stability of Fatty Acid Profile in Soybean Genotypes with Modified Seed Oil Composition, M. Oliva, J. G. Shannon, D. A. Sleper, M. R. Ellersieck, A. J. Cardinal, Robert L. Paris, and J. D. Lee


Mo VI J=3/2, 5/2 energy levels, oscillator strengths and Landé g-values, Lin Pan and D. R. Beck


The 1s photoabsorption transitions in Br I and Br II, Lin Pan and D. R. Beck

Registration of Soybean Germplasm Line DT97 4290 with Moderate Resistance to Charcoal Rot, Robert L. Paris, A. Mengistu, J. M. Tyler, and J. R. Smith


Formation of GW bodies is a consequence of microRNA genesis, Kaleb M. Pauley, T. Eystathioy, A. Jakymiw, J. C. Hamel, M. J. Fritzler, and E. K. Chan


Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Heat Transfer in a Rotating Square Duct, Zhaohui (George) Qin and Richard H. Pletcher


The Oral Contraceptive as Abortifacient: An Analysis of the Evidence, Dennis M. Sullivan


Difficulties with a Flood model for the Green River Formation, John Whitmore


Exploding Fish, John Whitmore


The geologic setting of the Green River Formation, John Whitmore


The Green River Formation: a large post-Flood lake system, John Whitmore


Dressing Procedure for Some Homoclinic Connections of the Manakov System, Otis C. Wright III


Homoclinic Connections of Unstable Plane Waves of the Long-wave-short-wave Equations, Otis C. Wright III


The KdV Zero Dispersion Limit: Through First Breaking for Cubic-like Analytic Initial Data, Otis C. Wright III

Publications from 2005

Registration of 'Doyce' Hulless Barley, W. Brooks, M. E. Vaughn, C. A. Griffey, A. M. Price, T. H. Pridgen, W. L. Rohrer, D. E. Brann, E. G. Rucker, H. D. Behl, W. L. Sisson, R. A. Corbin, J. C. Kenner, D. W. Dunaway, R. M. Pitman, R. Premakumar, D. P. Livingson, H. E. Vivar, and Robert L. Paris

Arithmetic Properties for a Certain Family of Knot Diagrams, Darrin D. Frey and James A. Sellers


The Four Coordinate Geometric Parameter: A New Quantification of Geometry for Four Coordinate Aluminum and Gallium, Aaron R. Hutchison, A. Mitra, and D. A. Atwood


Removal or excitation of a 1s electron in Kr II and Kr III, Lin Pan, S. O'Malley, and D. R. Beck

Uniform Soybean Test Southern States 2004, Robert L. Paris

Registration of 'Freedom' Soybean, Robert L. Paris and J. M. Tyler


Euthanasia Versus Letting Die: Christian Decision-Making in Terminal Patients, Dennis M. Sullivan

Publications from 2004


Ab Initio Energy Levels, Oscillator Strengths, and Landé g-Values for J = 0, 1 States of Zr III and Nb IV, D. R. Beck and Lin Pan

Prime Power Divisors of the Number of n x n Alternating Sign Matrices, Darrin D. Frey

Mathematics and Science Teacher Preparation: A Primer. A Synthesis of Research Reviewed by the Ohio Board of Regents Teaching Fellows in Mathematics and Science, William I. Jones

Layered ±-Zirconium Phosphates and Phosphonates, C. V. Kumar, A. Bhambhani, and Nathan E. Hnatiuk


PACAP-38 Signaling in Tetrahymena thermophila Involves NO and cGMP, John Lucas, John Riddle, Janine Bartholomew, Brendan Thomas, Jason Forni, L. Emery Nickerson, Bradley Van Heukelum, Joshua Paulick, and Heather G. Kuruvilla


Mo V J = 0,1 Energy Levels, Oscillator Strengths and Landé g-values, Lin Pan and D. R. Beck

Uniform Soybean Test Southern States 2003, Robert L. Paris

Field Screening Soybean Lines for Charcoal Rot Tolerance, Robert L. Paris and A. Mengistu

Screening Selected Plant Introductions for Seed Quality in the Early Soybean Production System, J. R. Smith, L. Daughtry, A. Mengistu, Robert L. Paris, and R. L. Nelson


Letter: Would God 'Play' This Way?, Dennis M. Sullivan

Transhumanist Ethics in a Post-Modern World, Dennis M. Sullivan


Field study of purported hardgrounds of the Cincinnatian, John Woodmorappe and John Whitmore


Homoclinic Connections of Unstable Plane Waves of the Modified Nonlinear Schroedinger Equation, Otis C. Wright III

Publications from 2003

Compounds Containing Five-Coordinate Group 13 Elements, D. A. Atwood, Aaron R. Hutchison, and Y. Zhang


Ets-2 and Components of Mammalian SWI/SNF Form a Repressor Complex That Negatively Regulates the BRCA1Promoter, Kimberly M. Baker, Guo Wei, Alicia E. Schaffner, and Michael C. Ostrowski

An Integrable Model of Stable:Unstable Wave Coupling Phenomena, M. Gregory Forest and Otis C. Wright III


Mercury Pollution and Remediation: The Chemist's Response to a Global Crisis, Aaron R. Hutchison and David A. Atwood


Pharmacological Evidence Suggests That the Lysozyme/PACAP Receptor of Tetrahymena thermophila is a Polycation Receptor, Michael D. Keedy, Nathan K. Yorgey, Jeremy S. Hilty, Angela R. Price, David L. Hassenzahl, and Heather G. Kuruvilla

Comparison of Disease Assessments of Soybean Genotypes in the Presence of Charcoal Rot, A. Mengistu and Robert L. Paris

Comparison of Disease Assessments of Soybean Genotypes in the Presence of Charcoal Rot, A. Mengistu and Robert L. Paris

Uniform Soybean Test Southern States 2002, Robert L. Paris

Soybean natural cross-pollination rates under field conditions, J. D. Ray, T. C. Kilen, C. A. Abel, and Robert L. Paris


Biochemical Evidence for a P2Y-like Receptor in Tetrahymena thermophila, B. N. Rosner, j. N. Bartholomew, C. D. Gaines, M. L. Riddle, H. A. Everett, K. G. Rulapaugh, L. E. Nickerson, M. R. Marshall, and Heather G. Kuruvilla


The Conception View of Personhood: A Review, Dennis M. Sullivan

Towards a Holistic Approach to Design, Dennis M. Sullivan

Ets-2 Interacts with Co-repressor BS69 to Repress Target Gene Expression, G. Wei, Alicia E. Schaffner, K. Baker, K. Mansky, and M. C. Ostrowski


The Darboux Transformation of Some Manakov Systems, Otis C. Wright III

Publications from 2002


An Organometallic Route to Oligonucleotides Containing Phosphoroselenoate, Geoffrey A. Holloway, Caroline Pavot, Stephen A. Scaringe, Yi Lu, and Thomas B. Rauchfuss


Research with First- and Second-Year Undergraduates: A New Model for Undergraduate Inquiry at Research Universities, Aaron R. Hutchison and David A. Atwood


Synthesis and Spectral and Thermal Properties of Pyrazine-Bridged Coordination Polymers of Copper(II) Nitrate: An Experiment for Advanced Undergraduates, Aaron R. Hutchison, Matthew K. Krepps, and David A. Atwood

Avian Use of Two Experimental Wetland Basins in Central Ohio in 1999 and 2001, William I. Jones and W. J. Mitsch

Uniform Soybean Test Southern States 2001, Robert L. Paris

Publications from 2001

Conjugacy of Alt_5 and SL(2, 5) Subgroups of E_7(C, Darrin D. Frey


Generalizing Bailey's Generalization of the Catalan Numbers, Darrin D. Frey and James A. Sellers


On Powers of 2 Dividing the Values of Certain Plane Partition Functions, Darrin D. Frey and James A. Sellers


Chemorepellent Signaling Through the Lysozyme/PACAP Receptor Is Mediated Through cAMP and PKC in Tetrahymena thermophila, D. L. Hassenzahl, N. K. Yorgey, M. D. Keedy, A. R. Price, J. A. Hall, C. C. Myzcka, and Heather G. Kuruvilla


Chemistry of 2,4,6-Trimercapto-1,3,5-triazine (TMT): Acid Dissociation Constants and Group 2 Complexes, Kevin R. Henke, Aaron R. Hutchison, Matthew K. Krepps, Sean Parkin, and David A. Atwood


Monomeric Group 13 Compounds with Bidentate (N,O) Ligands, Michael S. Hill, Aaron R. Hutchison, Timothy S. Keizer, Sean Parkin, Michael A. VanAelstyn, and David A. Atwood


Electronic and Structural Consequences of n-Doping: Bithiazole Oligomers and Partially Reduced Bithiazolium Cations, Mark D. McClain and Douglas S. Dudis

Uniform Soybean Test Southern States 2000, Robert L. Paris


A Thirty-Year Perspective on Personhood: How Has the Debate Changed?, Dennis M. Sullivan

The Need for Exceptions to Ethical Guidelines, Dennis M. Sullivan

Publications from 2000


Non-focusing Instabilities in Coupled, Integrable Nonlinear Schroedinger PDEs., M. G. Forest, D. W. McLaughlin, D. J. Muraki, and Otis C. Wright III

Some Riemann-Green Functions for the Geometric Optics Approximation of the Defocusing Nonlinear Schroedinger Equation, M. G. Forest, K. T. McLaughlin, and Otis C. Wright III


On the Construction of Orbits Homoclinic to Plane Waves in Integrable Coupled Nonlinear Schroedinger Systems, M. G. Forest, S. P. Sheu, and Otis C. Wright III


Jacobsthal Numbers and Alternating Sign Matrices, Darrin D. Frey and James A. Sellers


Aufbau Approach to Multimetallic Ensembles Based on Tetrathiooxalate: [Cp*4Rh4(C2S4)2]2+, [Cp*3Rh2Ru(C2S4)]+, and [Cp*6Rh6(C2S4)2]4+, Geoffrey A. Holloway, Kevin K. Klausmeyer, Scott R. Wilson, and Thomas B. Rauchfuss


PACAP-38 Is a Chemorepellent and an Agonist for the Lysozyme Receptor in Tetrahymena thermophila, S. R. Mace, J. G. Dean, J. R. Murphy, J. L. Rhodes, and Heather G. Kuruvilla

Synthesis and Modeling of Benzimidazoles for n-Doped Polymers, Mark D. McClain and Douglas S. Dudis