Education Faculty Presentations

Education Faculty Presentations



Presentations from 2015

Becoming Lead Learners, Jeremy Ervin

Beyond the Classroom Walls: Encouraging Students to Learn at Home, Jeremy Ervin

Beyond the Classroom Walls: Encouraging Students to Learn at Home, Jeremy Ervin

Beyond the Classroom Walls: Encouraging Students to Learn STEM at Home, Jeremy Ervin

Developing Your Professional Learning Community – How Twitter will Impact Your Teaching, Jeremy Ervin

Engaging Students with the Interactive Whiteboard: Novice Level, Jeremy Ervin

Engaging Students with the Interactive Whiteboard: Proficient Level, Jeremy Ervin

Engaging Students with the SMART Board, Jeremy Ervin


Free Professional Learning for Your Teachers: How Twitter Will Increase Your Effectiveness, Jeremy Ervin


Learner-centered Instruction Through a Paperless Classroom, Jeremy Ervin

Mindset of the 21st Century Learner, Jeremy Ervin

Motivating Learners Through Project-based Learning, Jeremy Ervin

Project Based Learning: Encouraging Students to Learn, Jeremy Ervin

STEM Careers and Salaries, Jeremy Ervin

STEM Challenges, Jeremy Ervin

TeachMeet Session on Finding Meaning in Your Teaching Practice Through Inquiry, Jeremy Ervin

Technology Use with the Mindset of the 21st Century Learner, Jeremy Ervin

The Mindset of the 21st Century Learner, Jeremy Ervin


The Mindset of the 21st Century Learner: Digital Natives, Jeremy Ervin

The Mindset of the 21st Century STEM Learner, Part 1, Jeremy Ervin

The Mindset of the 21st Century STEM Learner, Part 2, Jeremy Ervin

Training Educators to Teach Students Not Covering Content: Avoid the "Teaching to the Test" Mentality, Jeremy Ervin

Pre-Service Teachers' Construction of Mathematical Academic Language, Lori Ferguson

Pre-Service Teachers' Construction of Mathematical Academic Language, Lori Ferguson

Discourses Surrounding Academic Language, School Language and Complex Text, Margaret C. Grigorenko, Annis N. Shaver, Cynthia K. Messer, Lori Ferguson, and Betty Ruth Sylvester


Collaboration in Student Teaching: A New Model, Timothy L. Heaton


Collaboration in Student Teaching: A New Model, Timothy L. Heaton


Common Core State Standards Pros and Cons: What’s a Christian to Do?, Timothy L. Heaton


Common Core State Standards Pros and Cons: What’s a Christian to Do?, Timothy L. Heaton


Trends and Issues in Education, Timothy L. Heaton

Implementing Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support in Juvenile Corrections, David B. Leitch

Roles of the Cooperating Teacher as Defined by Student Teachers Teaching a High Percent of ELLs in an International Context, Brenda B. MacKay and Annis N. Shaver

Student Engagement, Betty Ruth Sylvester

The Relationship Between Juvenile Residents' Cognitive Distortions and Misconducts in a Rehabilitation Center, Di Wu, David B. Leitch, Shannah C. Gardiner, and Jenna Berkstresser

Presentations from 2014

21st Century Christian Education: Helping Students Learn, Not Teaching Content, Jeremy Ervin

Educating the Whole Student in the 21st Century, Jeremy Ervin

Effective Multi-age Classroom Instruction, Jeremy Ervin

Learner-centered Instruction Through a Paperless Classroom, Jeremy Ervin

Learner-centered Instruction Using Social Media, Jeremy Ervin

Learner-centered Instruction with the Interactive Whiteboard: Novice Level, Jeremy Ervin

Learner-centered Instruction with the Interactive Whiteboard: Proficient Level, Jeremy Ervin

Performance-based, Authentic Assessment Using the GRASPS Model, Jeremy Ervin

Professional Learning on Your Terms - How Twitter Will Impact Your Teaching, Jeremy Ervin

STEM Literacy: Bringing All Subjects Together for the 21st Century Learner, Jeremy Ervin

Teaching for Essential Understandings in Mathematics, Jeremy Ervin

Using STEM in a Learner-centered Classroom, Jeremy Ervin

Socially Constituting Middle-grades Students as ‘Struggling Readers': Four Cases, Margaret Grigorenko

Common Core State Standards, Timothy L. Heaton

Common Core State Standards, Timothy L. Heaton

Common Core State Standards, Timothy L. Heaton

Common Core State Standards, Timothy L. Heaton

Common Core State Standards, Timothy L. Heaton

Critical Thinking Skills, Timothy L. Heaton

Aware and Ready: Ministering to Those with Special Needs, David B. Leitch

Higher Education and Juvenile Correctional Policy: One University's Partnership with the Juvenile Correctional System, David B. Leitch

Lessons Learned from a Repeated Reading Intervention in a Juvenile Detention Center: What Can a Public School Teacher Learn from the Experience?, David B. Leitch

Building and Coordinating Your University's Overseas Student Teaching Internship Program, Brenda B. MacKay


From Frustration to Confidence: How Pre-service Teachers in an Overseas Cross-Cultural Context Use Frustration to Enhance Communication, Brenda B. MacKay and Annis N. Shaver


Preservice Teachers' Use of Frustration to Enhance Communication, Brenda B. MacKay and Annis N. Shaver

Big, Bad Bruce's Map and Other Visual Texts: Changing Ways to Represent Textual Understanding, Betty Ruth Sylvester


"If Flip Flops Were the Size of Your Front Door": Using Picture Books to Promote Receptive and Expressive Visual Literacy, Betty Ruth Sylvester and Vanessa Pitts Bannister

Big, Bad Bruce’s Map and Other Visual Ways to Demonstrate Understanding, Betty Ruth Sylvester and V. Pitts Banister

Challenge and Similarity: Multiculturalism, Globalization and Internationalization of Higher Education, Tianhong Zhang and Vilma Seeberg

Presentations from 2013

Analyzing Mock Teaching Through Video Feedback, Jeremy Ervin

Finding Meaning as a Teacher Researcher:Choosing a Topic/Research Question, Jeremy Ervin

Finding Meaning as a Teacher Researcher: Ways to Collect Data, Jeremy Ervin

Implementing National EE Curriculum Training into Methods Courses, Jeremy Ervin

Reflective Teaching of Pedagogical Inquiry Strategies for Scientifically Literate Citizens, Jeremy Ervin

Student Ontological Position Exposes Plagiaristic Knowledge on Cognition of Human Origins, Jeremy Ervin


Common Core State Standards, Timothy L. Heaton


Common Core State Standards, Timothy L. Heaton

Putting the Pieces Together: Objectives, Educational Experiences, and Assessments, S. Kragler and Betty Ruth Sylvester

Providing Re-entry Hope to Struggling Readers in Juvenile Corrections, David B. Leitch

The Historical Development of Private Education in Canada, Brenda B. MacKay and Michael W. Firmin

Does Choosing a Christian College Mean Settling for a Second Rate Academic Experience?, Kevin F. Sims, Kyle T. Mack, Aleda M.H. Chen, and S. Wynn

Repurposing Graphic Organizers into Poetry and Academic Art, Betty Ruth Sylvester

Parents of Struggling Readers: How Do They Cope?, Betty Ruth Sylvester, B. Loeding, and W. Greenidge

Presentations from 2012

Implementing Project WET Training into Educational Methods Courses, Jeremy Ervin

Science for All: Inquiry Strategies for Scientifically Literate Citizens, Jeremy Ervin

Unintended Consequences: Ohio's Required Re-Take of the Teacher Licensure Examination, Michael W. Firmin, Ruth E. Lowrie, and Stephen S. Gruber

Acknowledging "Out-of-the-Box" Textual Resources to Create Learning Opportunities for Marginalized Students, Margaret C. Grigorenko and Marlene Beierle


Best Practices in Education, Timothy L. Heaton

Cross-Cultural Teaching, Timothy L. Heaton


Hallmarks of Quality Teaching, Timothy L. Heaton


Helping First-Year Teachers Survive, Timothy L. Heaton


Identifying and Treating Learning Disabilities in the Regular Classroom, Timothy L. Heaton


Is Johnny Smarter Than His Teacher?, Timothy L. Heaton


Supervising Teachers: An Edification and Instructional Model, Timothy L. Heaton

Instructional Strategies for Residential Scholars with ADHD and Asperger’s Syndrome, David B. Leitch

The Forgotten Student: Understanding the Diverse Nature of Incarcerated Youth, David B. Leitch


Digging for Clues Under the Ground, Brenda B. MacKay

If Flips Flops Were the Size of Your Front Door: Representations of Proportionality, V. Pitts Banister and Betty Ruth Sylvester

Caveats for Using Digital Stories for Composing Autobiographies of Adolescents, Betty Ruth Sylvester

Digital Storytelling, Betty Ruth Sylvester

Engineering With Children's Literature, Betty Ruth Sylvester

Engineering With Children's Literature, Betty Ruth Sylvester

Reading Lexile Levels, Betty Ruth Sylvester

Retreading Tired, Flat, and Worn Out Graphic Organizers: Integrating Poetry and Academic Art in the Content Areas, Betty Ruth Sylvester

Teaching Spelling Workshop, Betty Ruth Sylvester

Grads and Grands Collaborative Multimedia Composing of Personal Narratives, Betty Ruth Sylvester, T. Crook, M. Davis, M. Eplin, M. Gunn, M. Kelly, J. C. Torres, and T. Ward