Education Faculty Presentations
Presentations from 2018
Using Psycho-social Intake Assessments to Improve School Climate, David B. Leitch
Picturing Diversity: Using Metaphors for Deep Understanding of Diversity While Studying Abroad, Lynn G. Roper and Betty Ruth Sylvester
Engaging Student Through Creativity, Motivation, and Collaboration, Betty Ruth Sylvester
Reading Comprehension Strategies and Activities to Boost Textual Understanding 1: Sensory Images, Making Connections, Questioning, Betty Ruth Sylvester
Reading Comprehension Strategies and Activities to Boost Textual Understanding 2: Drawing Inferences, Determining Importance, Synthesizing, Betty Ruth Sylvester
An Intercultural Study with Q Methodology: Interpretation of Graduate Students’ Intercultural Practices on a U.S. Campus, Tianhong Zhang
Presentations from 2017
Abilities Panel Event, Megan R. Brown
Judging by the First Look: Changing Representation of Disability on Book Covers, Megan R. Brown
Tell Me Who I Am: An Investigation of Cultural Authenticity in YA Disability Narratives, Megan R. Brown
Accurate Enough?: Representations of Disability in Children’s Literature, Megan R. Brown and A. Myers
Critical Thinking for Mathematical Retention and Success, Jeremy Ervin
Focus on Learning, Jeremy Ervin
Focus on Learning Through a STEM Model, Jeremy Ervin
GROW: Teaching in Relationship, Learning in Community, Jeremy Ervin
It’s a Project-based World! Part 1 – Gold Standard Approach, Jeremy Ervin
Making Sense of Your Science Teaching Through Reflective Practice, Jeremy Ervin
North East Region ACSI Professional Development Forum, Jeremy Ervin
Professional Development Forum, Jeremy Ervin
Professional Development Workshops, Jeremy Ervin
Top 10 Ways to Prepare Your Child to Be Successful at College, Jeremy Ervin
Critical Thinking for Mathematical Retention and Success Webinar, Jeremy Ervin and Lori Ferguson
Critical Thinking in the Classroom, Lori Ferguson
Grit and Perseverance, Lori Ferguson
Hands-on Math, Lori Ferguson
Biblical Principles for Behavior Management, Margaret Grigorenko
Biblical Principles for Classroom Management, Margaret Grigorenko
GROW: Teaching in Relationship, Learning in Community, Margaret Grigorenko
Juggling Classroom Demands and Individual Needs: Helping Every Child Make Progress, Margaret Grigorenko
Transformation for Every Child: Differentiated Teaching to Address Individual Needs, Margaret Grigorenko
Transformation for EVERY Child: Differentiated Teaching to Address Individual Needs, Margaret Grigorenko
Transforming Hearts and Minds: Classroom Strategies for Aligning Faith and Learning, Margaret Grigorenko
Transforming Hearts and Minds: Classroom Strategies for Aligning Faith and Learning, Margaret Grigorenko
Transforming Hearts and Minds: Classroom Strategies for Aligning Faith and Learning, Margaret Grigorenko
A Conversation: Racism and Religion, Kevin Jones
Embodied Apologetics, Kevin Jones
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), David B. Leitch
Applied Behavior Analysis and Corrections, David B. Leitch
Models of Behavior as Seen Through a Christian Worldview, David B. Leitch
Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS), David B. Leitch
When Problem Behavior Impacts Learning, David B. Leitch
The Efficacy of Self-reporting Intake Assessments as a Predictor of Behavior, David B. Leitch and B. Barber
Roles of Overseas Cooperating Teachers as Defined by Student Teachers Teaching a High Percent of ELLs, Brenda B. MacKay
Roles of Cooperating Teachers in International Classrooms, Brenda B. MacKay and Annis N. Shaver
Exploring Trauma Culture Through a Study Abroad Program, Lynn G. Roper and Betty Ruth Sylvester
Filling a Void: A Call for Christian Leaders to Support Novice Teachers through Formal Mentoring Programs, Lynn G. Roper, Erin E. Weber, and Cynthia K. Messer
Marketing Culture, Performing Propaganda, Tianhong Zhang
Presentations from 2016
Biblical Integration for Christian School Faculty, Eddie K. Baumann
Judging a Tomboy by Her Cover: Investigating Initial Tomboy Images on Book Covers, Megan R. Brown
Looking for Normal and Finding More: Literature for the Gifted Child, Megan R. Brown
Taking the Journey with Edward: Free Writing as Differentiated Learning, Megan R. Brown
Drama, Literacy, and Anti-oppressive Pedagogy, B. Edmiston, Megan R. Brown, S. Fatani, S. Jackson, and N. Sivashankar
Eventful Teaching: Toward a Pedagogy of Comprehension as Dialogic Sense-making Using Dramatic Inquiry, B. Edmiston, M. Whittaker, Megan R. Brown, S. Jackson, S. Fatani, and N. Sivashankar
10 Ways to Prepare Your Child to Be Successful in College, Jeremy Ervin
Active Learning Pedagogy, Jeremy Ervin
ACT/SAT Mathematical Test Preparation, Jeremy Ervin
Are You a Connected Educator?, Jeremy Ervin
Be a Connected Educator in the 21st Century Classroom, Jeremy Ervin
Be a Connected Educator Through Pinterest, Jeremy Ervin
Be a Connected Educator Through Twitter, Jeremy Ervin
Being a Lead Learner with ICT Literacy, Jeremy Ervin
Create a Blended Learning Environment, Jeremy Ervin
Developing Your Professional Learning Network: How Twitter Will Impact Your Science Teaching, Jeremy Ervin
Improve Student Achievement Through the SMART Board, Jeremy Ervin
Scientific Literacy: 21st Century Inquiry for College-Readiness, Jeremy Ervin
Scientific Literacy: 21st Century Inquiry for College-Readiness, Jeremy Ervin
The Mindset of the 21st-century Learner, Jeremy Ervin
Understanding by Design Stage 1: Identify Desired Results, Jeremy Ervin
Understanding by Design Stage 2: Determine Acceptable Evidence, Jeremy Ervin
Understanding by Design Stage 3: Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction, Jeremy Ervin
Using Scientific Literacy as a Reflective Practitioner, Jeremy Ervin
Using Co-teaching and Professional Development to Develop Competent, Effective Master Teachers, Jeremy Ervin and Timothy L. Heaton
Tips for Teaching the Tricky Topics, Lori Ferguson and Sarah Gilchrist
Tricky Topics in Mathematics, Lori Ferguson and Sarah Gilchrist
Literacy Research Meets Community Volunteers in an Urban After-school Program: Discourse Surrounding the Use of Collective Memories As a Teaching Strategy, Margaret Grigorenko
One Church’s Journey in Mission: Start Up, Course Correction or Carrying On?, Margaret Grigorenko
An Examination of Academic Language and Collective Memories as Expanded Teaching Strategies in an After-School Enrichment Program, Margaret Grigorenko, Betty Ruth Sylvester, and S. Dixon
Collective Memory Servicing Disciplinary Literacy in an Out-of-School Program, Margaret Grigorenko, Betty Ruth Sylvester, and S. Dixon
Delegation and Empowerment, Timothy L. Heaton
Handbook of Instructional Leadership, Timothy L. Heaton
Personal Organization, Timothy L. Heaton
The Essential Connection Between a Safe and Secure School Climate and Students’ Educational and Life Success, Timothy L. Heaton
The Multicultural Classroom, Timothy L. Heaton
Time Management, Timothy L. Heaton
Understanding Diversity, Timothy L. Heaton
What Great Principals Do Differently: 15 Things That Matter Most, Timothy L. Heaton
Catalyst for Change, Kevin Jones
Miseducating Race, Kevin Jones
Racialization, Kevin Jones
The Effects of Drama-based Pedagogies on Literacy-related K-16 Student Outcomes: A Meta-analysis of the Research, B. Lee, Megan R. Brown, and P. Enciso
The Effects of Drama-based Pedagogies on Literacy-related K-16 Student Outcomes: A Meta-analysis of the Research, B. Lee, P. Enciso, and Megan R. Brown
Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS): What It Is and How It Works, David B. Leitch
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports: What It Is and How It Works, David B. Leitch, A. Cornwell, R. Davis, C. Grab, S. Hartsough, J. Heinrich, and B. Smith
Spiritual Leadership for Cultural Transformation, Brenda B. MacKay and Annis N. Shaver
Internationalization of Higher Education in China: Intercultural Perspective, Tianhong Zhang
Presentations from 2015
21st Century Education: Helping Students Learn, Jeremy Ervin
Becoming a Connected Educator Through Pinterest, Jeremy Ervin
Becoming a Connected Educator Through Twitter, Jeremy Ervin
Becoming a Teacher Researcher Through an Online Graduate Course, Jeremy Ervin