This collection showcases presentations made by Cedarville University faculty members at various conferences, workshops, and other public venues.
Presentations from 2015
Reversal of Anticoagulation in the Intensive Care Unit, David M. Peters
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Stop the Aching! Managing your Arthritis, David M. Peters
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
The Return of Inhaled Insulin, David M. Peters and Darrell T. Hulisz
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Reactivation of a Fear Memory Induces Physiological Responses that Correlate with Long Term Memory Modulation, David M. Peters, P. R. Zoladz, and C. E. Cadle
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Reactivation of a Fear Memory Induces Physiological Responses that Correlate with Long Term Memory Modulation, David M. Peters, P. R. Zoladz, and C. E. Cadle
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
A Proposed Revision to the U.S. Navy’s Body Composition Program, David D. Peterson
Allied Health Faculty Presentations
Proposed Revisions to the Navy Physical Readiness Test, David D. Peterson
Allied Health Faculty Presentations
Multicultural Worship, Susan Plemons
Music and Worship Faculty Presentations
From University Wits to Rude Mechanicals: The Value of Campus Productions, Rebekah Priebe
Art, Design, and Theatre Faculty Presentations
Advanced Financial Planning Considerations for Americans Living Abroad, William F. Ragle
Business Administration Faculty Presentations
Basic Financial Planning Considerations for Americans Living Abroad, William F. Ragle
Business Administration Faculty Presentations
Managing Your Business and Risk with Military Discipline, Loren M. Reno
Business Administration Faculty Presentations
Stomachs with Masks, Paul Reynolds, Eva Palmer, and Cam Davis
Art, Design, and Theatre Faculty Presentations
Gun Control in the United States, David L. Rich
History and Government Faculty Presentations
The Ohio Heartbeat Bill, David L. Rich
History and Government Faculty Presentations
Training Initiative at Cedarville University, David L. Rich
History and Government Faculty Presentations
The State and Local Governments' War on Heroin, David L. Rich and Mike DeWine
History and Government Faculty Presentations
Developing the Mindset and Practices for Research and Scholarship, Michael E. Sherr
Social Work Faculty Presentations
History and Leadership, Kevin F. Sims
History and Government Faculty Presentations
The Drama of Discipline: An Intertextual Profile of Paideia in Hebrews 12, Ched E. Spellman
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations
The Unknown Realities of Endurance Athletes' Training, Hannah L. Stedge
Allied Health Faculty Presentations
Discovering the Pharmacist’s ‘Secret Sauce’ in the Transition of Care Kitchen, Andrew M. Straw
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Medication Therapy Considerations for Rehabilitation in Geriatric Patients, Andrew M. Straw
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
The Impact on Employee Sick Days Following a Community Pharmacy- May 2015 Operated, Employer-Sponsored, Worksite-Based Influenza Immunization Program, Andrew M. Straw
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
The Impact on Employee Sick Days Following a Community Pharmacy-Operated, Employer-Sponsored, Worksite-Based Influenza Immunization Program, Andrew M. Straw
Pharmacy Faculty Presentations
Pharmacology of Critical Care Medications, Andrew M. Straw and Meredith Junker
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Ebola: The Ethics of Experimental Drugs, Dennis M. Sullivan
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Health Care Rights of Conscience: What are the Limits?, Dennis M. Sullivan
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Moral Complicity in Healthcare Conscience Claims, Dennis M. Sullivan
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Physician-assisted Suicide, Dennis M. Sullivan
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Proportionality and Double-effect: Treatment Withdrawal in Young Patients, Dennis M. Sullivan
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Rights of Conscience: Lessons from the Stormans Case, Dennis M. Sullivan
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Where Do Ethical Rules Come From?, Dennis M. Sullivan
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
The Connection Between Financial Aid Strategy and Enrollment Results for Insights into Best Practices for Financial Stability, Janice L. Supplee
Administrative Personnel Presentations
Student Engagement, Betty Ruth Sylvester
Education Faculty Presentations
Deviance in Nonprofits: An Examination of Organizational Politics and Its Relation to Organizational Performance, John Tarwater
Business Administration Faculty Presentations
Effectiveness of Oral Stimulation Motion on Newborn Sucking Ability and Mother's Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy for Sucking Difficulty Newborn, H. C. Tasi, S. F. Cheng, K. Lin, M. Gau, and Chu-Yu Huang
Nursing Faculty Presentations
Legal Issues Facing Private, Religious Educational Institutions, Robert Vaughn
History and Government Faculty Presentations
Christian Perspectives on Economics: Growth and Income Distribution, Bert G. Wheeler
Business Administration Faculty Presentations
Visions of Human Nature and Christian Anthropology: The Spontaneous Emergent Free-Market Order, Bert G. Wheeler
Business Administration Faculty Presentations
A Biblical Critique of Crony Capitalism, Bert G. Wheeler, Jeffrey E. Haymond, and Jeffrey S. Guernsey
Business Administration Faculty Presentations
Qualitative Analysis of Motivational Interviewing Outcomes After Small Group Sessions, Rebecca M. Widder, Juanita A. Draime, Ginger D. Cameron, Aleda M.H. Chen, Mark D. Pinkerton, and Douglas C. Anderson
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Inhabiting the Liminal: The Architecture of Single Life in Catharine Maria Sedgwick's Fiction, Michelle M. Wood
English, Literature, and Modern Languages Faculty Presentations
Sightings Records of Hawksbills in a Marine Protected Area of Honduras, Marsha K. Wright, Linda Baeza, Christian Hayes, Lidia A. Salinas, and Stephen G. Dunbar
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations
The Relationship Between Juvenile Residents' Cognitive Distortions and Misconducts in a Rehabilitation Center, Di Wu, David B. Leitch, Shannah C. Gardiner, and Jenna Berkstresser
Psychology Faculty Presentations
Presentations from 2014
Emerging Clinical Concept: Therapeutic Targeting and Translational Studies of Urokinase in Brain Tumor Invasion, Samson Amos, Denise S. Simpson, Miriam A. Ansong, and Rebecca J. Gryka
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
External Funding Sources and Grant Writing, Miriam A. Ansong
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
To Condemn or Not to Condemn: The Paradox of Early Baptist Eschatology, Jonathan W. Arnold
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations
Distributional Chaos in Dendrites, Nathan Averbeck and Brian E. Raines
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations
Ability Based Learning, Jeb Ballentine
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Pharmacologic Treatment of Parkinson's Disease: A Review of Current and Future Therapies, Jeb Ballentine
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Pharmacologic Treatment of Parkinson's Disease: A Review of Current and Future Therapies, Jeb Ballentine
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
What Can Your Pharmacist Do for You?, Jeb Ballentine
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Architects in Integration: Nursing and Medicine, Carolyn A. Barnett
Nursing Faculty Presentations
Are You Ready to Rummmble? Harnessing Conflict to Assure Excellent Care in Pharmacy Practice Environments, Jeffrey A. Bates
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Corporate Wellness Outreach: Pharmacists Training, M. Bowers and Marc A. Sweeney
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Corporate Wellness Outreach: Pharmacists Training, M. Bowers and Marc A. Sweeney
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Corporate Wellness Outreach: Pharmacists Training, M. Bowers and Marc A. Sweeney
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
The Bible in Early American Education, Lynn A. Brock
Library Faculty Presentations
Ethics of Working with Newborn Hospice Patients and Their Families, Melissa D. Brown
Social Work Faculty Presentations
Journey of Hope: What Is Perinatal Hospice?, Melissa D. Brown
Social Work Faculty Presentations
Compassion Fatigue: The Twelve Days of Christmas for Teachers, J. Brumfield and Betsy E. Linnell
Psychology Faculty Presentations
Biblical Theology According to the Earliest Christians: Israel's Story in the Parable of the Tenants, Christopher R. Bruno
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations
How Should I Read My Bible?, Christopher R. Bruno
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations
What is the Story of the Bible? How to Teach the Storyline of Scripture, the Centrality of Christ, and the Unity of the Bible in One Hour, Christopher R. Bruno
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations
Distance Education: An Overview, Ginger D. Cameron
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Munch a Bunch, Ginger D. Cameron
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Scary Things in Public Health, Ginger D. Cameron, Matthew Caines, Nicole Heim, and Vicki Miller
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Finding the Right Job: Why You Have More Options Than You Think, Nicholas A. Carrington
Communication Faculty Presentations
Preparing Students to Learn Technology Throughout Their Careers, Nicholas A. Carrington
Communication Faculty Presentations
Redefining and Rebranding an Effective Program, Nicholas A. Carrington
Communication Faculty Presentations
Teaching Technology in Technical Communication Programs, Nicholas A. Carrington
Communication Faculty Presentations
Delivering Patient-Centered Culturally-Sensitive Healthcare, Aleda M.H. Chen
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Grant Writing: From Idea to Submission (and Beyond), Aleda M.H. Chen
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Intellectual Input and Authorship, Aleda M.H. Chen
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Scholarly Teaching, Aleda M.H. Chen
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Tools for Effective Patient Education, Aleda M.H. Chen
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Integration of Community Service: Meeting Needs While Meeting the Mission, Aleda M.H. Chen, Ginger D. Cameron, and Thaddeus T. Franz
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Clinical Hospital-Based Research: From Idea to ASHP Presentation, Aleda M.H. Chen and Emily M. Laswell
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
STEPS Towards Better Under Served Health Care Delivery: A Student-Led Interdisciplinary Approach, N. Christian, Juanita A. Draime, M. Rechel, A. Schaad, R. J. Sontag, and P. Sutton
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
STEPS Towards Better Under Served Health Care Delivery: A Student-Led Interdisciplinary Approach, N. Christian, Juanita A. Draime, M. Rechel, A. Schaad, R. J. Sontag, and P. Sutton
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Development of a Community-Managed HIV Case Management Program in Zomba Malawi, Sharon K. Christman
Nursing Faculty Presentations
Faith, Hope, Love Model of Spiritual Care, Sharon K. Christman
Nursing Faculty Presentations
Cómo Usar su Inhalador con un Espaciador, Lisa Cillessen and Jeffrey L. Huston
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Perceived Skill Challenges and Possible Solutions for ACCP EDTR PRN Members Accomplishing Scholarly Activity, J. N. Clements, Melody L. Hartzler, A. Franks, T. Sprunger, L. Karaoui, D. Steinke, and T. Denetclaw
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Something Old, Something New: Novel Drug Therapies in Epilepsy, Justin W. Cole
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Conceptualizing Faculty Worklife, D. Coniglio, J. Cawley, and Karen Graham-Burnet
Allied Health Faculty Presentations
The Role of Protocadherin-19 in Zebrafish Neurodevelopment, Sharon Cooper
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations
Wiring the Brain: The Role of Protocadherin-19 in Neurodevelopment, Sharon Cooper, M. R. Emond, and James D. Jontes
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations
How Firm a Foundation: The Ecclesiology of 2 Timothy 2:19-21, Gregory A. Couser
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations
A King's Buffet Serving Up Lifestyle Choices, April D. Crommett
Allied Health Faculty Presentations
Exercise Tool Kit, April D. Crommett
Allied Health Faculty Presentations
The Effects of Faith Based Values and an Exercise Program on Cardiovascular Risk Factors, April D. Crommett, Ginger D. Cameron, Jeffrey L. Huston, Katherine R. O'Hara, Annisa R. Albury, Greggory M. Thorpe, and Jacob D. Forsythe
Allied Health Faculty Presentations
Environmental Health Science and the TCU Experience, Nathanael Davis
Library Faculty Presentations
Nurturing Hearts of Service and Cultivating Knowledge of Traditional Foods, Nathanael Davis
Library Faculty Presentations
Library Careers: Promoting Librarianship to Undergraduates, Julie D. Deardorff
Library Faculty Presentations
Working with Faculty to Build Collections, Julie D. Deardorff
Library Faculty Presentations
The Next Generation of Librarians: Crossroads for Discovery, Julie D. Deardorff, Lynne M. Funtik, and Andrea Abernathy
Library Faculty Presentations
Discharge Antibiotics: Are They Appropriate?, J. Dees and Zachary N. Jenkins
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Palliative Care Services, Elizabeth A. Delaney, Sharon K. Christman, Amy J. Voris, and Phillip L. Thornton
Nursing Faculty Presentations