This collection showcases presentations made by Cedarville University faculty members at various conferences, workshops, and other public venues.


Presentations from 2016

Gene Editing and Designer Babies, Dennis M. Sullivan
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Modern Ethics Controversies, Dennis M. Sullivan
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Overriding Parental Rights in a Pediatric Patient, Dennis M. Sullivan
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

The Ethics of Assisted Suicide, Dennis M. Sullivan
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Best Practices in Mediation Analysis: Current Usage in Developmental Science, T. Swindle, R. Larzelere, and Chao Liu
Psychology Faculty Presentations

The Relationship between Cohort Default Rates and Technical Efficiency in For Profit Institutions of Higher Education, John Tarwater
Business Administration Faculty Presentations

The Protestant Roots of the Secularization of Knowledge in American Higher Education, Richard P. Tison
History and Government Faculty Presentations

Assessment of Student Self-Care Counseling Skill Progression Across a Semester, Stephanie M. Tubb, Aleda Chen, Phillip L. Thornton, and Jeb Ballentine
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Range and Velocity Disambiguation in Medium PRF Radar with the DBSCAN Clustering Algorithm, Timothy R. Tuinstra
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Presentations

A Comparison of Natural Substrate vs. Artificial Substrate Sampling Devices for Periphyton and Biofilm Assessment, A. Valigosky, P. Anderson, Michael J. Mendel, B. Bartelme, and B. Williams
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations

Protecting and Preserving Our Principles: The Supreme Court and Your School, Robert Vaughn
History and Government Faculty Presentations

Athletic Training Students' Perceptions on Preparation to Administer Spiritual Care to Future Clients, Sue Walsh and April D. Crommett
Allied Health Faculty Presentations

STEPS Towards Better Health Care Delivery: A Student-Led Multidisciplinary Approach, Stephanie Welsh, Juanita A. Draime, and Rachael Libertin
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Being Lovely and the Image of God/Christ in Man, Bert G. Wheeler
Business Administration Faculty Presentations

Keynote Address, John H. Whitmore
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations

An Effective Integration Method for Two-Phase Solutions of the Focusing NLS Equation, Otis C. Wright III
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations

Internationalization of Higher Education in China: Intercultural Perspective, Tianhong Zhang
Education Faculty Presentations

Transfer as a Threshold Concept in Intercultural Competence Development in Case of Intercultural Interactions Between International and American Graduate Students, Tianhong Zhang
Education Faculty Presentations

Presentations from 2015

Mentor and Protégé: Evaluating the NACSW Faculty-student Mentoring Program, C. Adedoyin and Michael E. Sherr
Social Work Faculty Presentations


Evidence for Secretion of a Netrin-1-like Protein by Tetrahymena thermophila, Victoria E. Ames, Grant Hooper, Aubrey J. Juris, Cole Knox, Jack Lightbody, Alexa C. Manthei, Jacob P. Olejarczyk, Benjamin D. Swenor, Amiah Warder, Emily B. Weindorf, Taylor L. Vander Plas, and Heather G. Kuruvilla
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations

Benjamin Keach on Persecution, Jonathan W. Arnold
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations

The Final Marriage? The Eschatological Interpretation of Solomon's Song, Jonathan W. Arnold
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations

Distributional Chaos in Dendritic Julia Sets, Nathan Averbeck and Brian E. Raines
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations


Photo Recognition for In-water Identification of Hawksbills in a Marine Protected Area of Honduras, Linda Baeza, Christian Hayes, Marsha K. Wright, Lidia A. Salinas, and Stephen G. Dunbar
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations

Clinical Reasoning: Working Through the Amphibolies in Nursing, Carolyn A. Barnett
Nursing Faculty Presentations

Ambassadorship, Jeffrey A. Bates
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Empathy: Assuring Great Care by Focusing on Others, Jeffrey A. Bates
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Incorporating Common Educational Approaches to Help Pharmacists Improve Therapeutic Outcomes, Jeffrey A. Bates
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Assessment of Magical Thinking in Religious Populations, Milton E. Becknell and Chi-en Hwang,
Psychology Faculty Presentations

The Obesity Epidemic: Who Bears Primary Responsibility?, Milton E. Becknell and Chi-en Hwang,
Psychology Faculty Presentations

Energy Drinks, Kenneth Blood
Allied Health Faculty Presentations

Energy Drinks, Kenneth Blood
Allied Health Faculty Presentations

Food Addictions: A Basic Understanding, Melissa D. Brown
Social Work Faculty Presentations

Biblical Theology According to the Earliest Christians: Israel's Story in Stephen's Speech, Christopher R. Bruno
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations

Biblical Theology According to the Earliest Christians: Stephen's Speech as a Model for OT Biblical Theology, Christopher R. Bruno
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations

One God, One People, One Mediator: The Use of the One God Formula in the Disputed Pauline Epistles, Christopher R. Bruno
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations

Use of Athena Vortex Lattice for Preliminary Hydrofoil Design, K. Burrell, J. Sykes, Timothy B. Dewhurst, and Z. Quin
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Presentations


Impact of Small-Group Sessions on Motivational Interviewing Outcomes, Ginger D. Cameron, Rebecca M. Widder, Juanita A. Draime, Aleda M.H. Chen, Mark D. Pinkerton, and Douglas C. Anderson
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Content Strategy as a New Field for Technical and Professional Writers, Nicholas A. Carrington
Communication Faculty Presentations

Using the Introductory Tech Comm Class to Help Students Explore Writing Careers, Nicholas A. Carrington
Communication Faculty Presentations

Using Relative-Value Units (RVUs) to Distribute Workload and Justify Services in an Investigational Drug Service (IDS) Pharmacy, K. Chambers, J. Blind, and Justin W. Cole
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Cool Ideas, Robert Chasnov
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Presentations

Kittyhawk AOC Scholarship Awards Luncheon, Robert Chasnov
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Presentations

Mentoring Faculty, Robert Chasnov
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Presentations

Flipping the Classroom to Improve Self-directed Learning for RN to BSN Students in Taiwan, Su-Fen Cheng, Jane Lee-Hsieh, and Chu-Yu Huang
Nursing Faculty Presentations

Fatigue and Its Associated Factors in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Receiving Antiviral Therapy, Y. Chen, Y. Tseng, Chu-Yu Huang, and C. Lin
Nursing Faculty Presentations

STEPS Towards Better Health Care Delivery: A Student Led Multidisciplinary Approach, N. Christian, Juanita A. Draime, M. Rechel, A. Schaad, R. J. Sontag, and P. Sutton
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Faith, Hope, Love Model of Spiritual Care, Sharon K. Christman
Nursing Faculty Presentations

The Live Experiences of Primary Caregivers Caring for Childhood Cancer After First Round of Chemotherapy, I. H. Chu, S. F. Cheng, W. W. Wu, H. J. Chiu, and Chu-Yu Huang
Nursing Faculty Presentations

Japanese Jesus: Interpretations of Christ in Manga, Daniel D. Clark
English, Literature, and Modern Languages Faculty Presentations

Revolution and the Political Transformation of Isaac Backus, Robert J. Clark
History and Government Faculty Presentations

Exploring Best Practices in Faculty Recruitment and Retention, D. Coniglio, J. Cawley, and Karen Graham-Burnet
Allied Health Faculty Presentations

Understanding Pcdh19 Function: From Brain Morphogenesis to Molecular Adhesion Properties, Sharon Cooper
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations

Protocadherins Control the Modular Assembly of Neuronal Columns in the Zebrafish Optic Tectum, Sharon Cooper, M. R. Emond, P. Q. Duy, B. G. Liebau, M. A. Wolman, and James D. Jontes
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations

Examining the Structural Determinants of Protocadherin-19 Function in Brain Morphogenesis and Epilepsy, Sharon Cooper, James D. Jontes, and Marcos Sotomayor
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations

The Church as Family: The Nature of the Household of God in 1 Timothy, Gregory A. Couser
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations

Environmental Health Science and the TCU Experience, Nathanael Davis
Library Faculty Presentations

Bruce Springsteen: Cultural Significance, Donald L. Deardorff
English, Literature, and Modern Languages Faculty Presentations


Today's Undergraduates...Tomorrow's Library Directors!, Julie D. Deardorff, Kirsten N. Setzkorn, Austin C. Becton, Allison N. Jensen, and Rebekkah C. Reisner
Library Faculty Presentations

Antibiotic Prescribing Patterns at Hospital Discharge, J. Dees and Zach Jenkins
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Palliative Care, Elizabeth A. Delaney
Nursing Faculty Presentations

Paul's Prayer for Spiritual Flourishing, Dan DeWitt
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations

Adult Development, Charles D. Dolph
Psychology Faculty Presentations

Description of Pharmacy Technician Training Programs in the United States, Juanita A. Draime, Douglas C. Anderson, and Timothy S. Anderson
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations


Effectiveness of Student Facilitation in Motivational Interviewing Education, Juanita A. Draime, Rebecca M. Widder, Ginger D. Cameron, Aleda M.H. Chen, Mark D. Pinkerton, and Douglas C. Anderson
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Citizenship, Migration, and State Policies in Western Europe, Glen M.E. Duerr
History and Government Faculty Presentations

Secessionism and the Arctic: Subnational Disputes Affecting Arctic Sovereignty Claims, Glen M.E. Duerr
History and Government Faculty Presentations

Secessionist Aspirations at the Ballot Box: Unofficial Independence Referendums in Veneto and Catalonia, Glen M.E. Duerr
History and Government Faculty Presentations

21st Century Education: Helping Students Learn, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

Becoming a Connected Educator Through Pinterest, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

Becoming a Connected Educator Through Twitter, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

Becoming a Teacher Researcher Through an Online Graduate Course, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

Becoming Lead Learners, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

Beyond the Classroom Walls: Encouraging Students to Learn at Home, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

Beyond the Classroom Walls: Encouraging Students to Learn at Home, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

Beyond the Classroom Walls: Encouraging Students to Learn STEM at Home, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

Developing Your Professional Learning Community – How Twitter will Impact Your Teaching, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

Engaging Students with the Interactive Whiteboard: Novice Level, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

Engaging Students with the Interactive Whiteboard: Proficient Level, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

Engaging Students with the SMART Board, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations


Free Professional Learning for Your Teachers: How Twitter Will Increase Your Effectiveness, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations


Learner-centered Instruction Through a Paperless Classroom, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

Mindset of the 21st Century Learner, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

Motivating Learners Through Project-based Learning, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

Project Based Learning: Encouraging Students to Learn, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

STEM Careers and Salaries, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

STEM Challenges, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

TeachMeet Session on Finding Meaning in Your Teaching Practice Through Inquiry, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

Technology Use with the Mindset of the 21st Century Learner, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

The Mindset of the 21st Century Learner, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations


The Mindset of the 21st Century Learner: Digital Natives, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

The Mindset of the 21st Century STEM Learner, Part 1, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

The Mindset of the 21st Century STEM Learner, Part 2, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

Training Educators to Teach Students Not Covering Content: Avoid the "Teaching to the Test" Mentality, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD": Psalm 78:4 as Intertext of Torah and Wisdom, Daniel J. Estes
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations

The Words of the Dying: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Hospice Patients' Death Narratives, Melissa S. Faulkner
English, Literature, and Modern Languages Faculty Presentations

Joint Injection for the Advanced Practice Nurse, Clifford W. Fawcett III
Nursing Faculty Presentations

Pre-Service Teachers' Construction of Mathematical Academic Language, Lori Ferguson
Education Faculty Presentations

Pre-Service Teachers' Construction of Mathematical Academic Language, Lori Ferguson
Education Faculty Presentations

Chastity and Civil Freedom: Women's Political Wit in Rousseau's Letters to Geneva, Emily K. Ferkaluk
History and Government Faculty Presentations