This collection showcases presentations made by Cedarville University faculty members at various conferences, workshops, and other public venues.
Presentations from 2016
Nutrition Seminar, Part 1, for NSG 1050: Health Promotion and Wellness, Kristine H. Kidder
Nursing Faculty Presentations
Introduction to Health Promotion and Wellness, Kristine H. Kidder and Kristi L. Coe
Nursing Faculty Presentations
Virtue, Kristine H. Kidder and Janet Conway
Nursing Faculty Presentations
Good News, God's Promises and a Grim Warning, Jeremy M. Kimble
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations
I Will Be Their God, They Will Be My People: Trinitarian Doctrine and the Ontology of the Church, Jeremy M. Kimble
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations
A Thoughtful Technophobia, Joshua Kira
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations
College Campus Perceptions of Academic and Social Capabilities and Treatment Options for Children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Rachel Kunze, Thaddeus T. Franz, and Justin W. Cole
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
So You Want to Make a Game, George V. Landon
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Presentations
The State of Video Games and Kentucky, George V. Landon
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Presentations
The Effects of Drama-based Pedagogies on Literacy-related K-16 Student Outcomes: A Meta-analysis of the Research, B. Lee, Megan R. Brown, and P. Enciso
Education Faculty Presentations
The Effects of Drama-based Pedagogies on Literacy-related K-16 Student Outcomes: A Meta-analysis of the Research, B. Lee, P. Enciso, and Megan R. Brown
Education Faculty Presentations
Keynote Address, Jason K. Lee
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations
Preaching brings Persecutors, Jason K. Lee
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations
Preaching to Blood-Thirsty Persecutors, Jason K. Lee
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations
The Reformers’ Interpretation of Trinitarian Texts in the Gospels of John and Matthew, Jason K. Lee
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations
Artist Talk, Aemin A. Lee-Zimerle
Art, Design, and Theatre Faculty Presentations
Artist Talk and Print Workshop, Aemin A. Lee-Zimerle
Art, Design, and Theatre Faculty Presentations
Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS): What It Is and How It Works, David B. Leitch
Education Faculty Presentations
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports: What It Is and How It Works, David B. Leitch, A. Cornwell, R. Davis, C. Grab, S. Hartsough, J. Heinrich, and B. Smith
Education Faculty Presentations
Giving “Voice” to Child Victims of Trauma, Betsy E. Linnell and E. Potter
Psychology Faculty Presentations
Protect Right or Silence Voice? The Effect of Requiring Parental Consent on Adolescents' Report of Risk Behaviors: A Meta-Analysis, Chao Liu
Psychology Faculty Presentations
PSY 737-Observation of Children, Chao Liu
Psychology Faculty Presentations
PSY 739-Technical Writing, Chao Liu
Psychology Faculty Presentations
"Daddy Does it Differently!" Mother's and Father's Roles Enacted During Play: Differences and Differential Predictions, Chao Liu, Amanda Wiginton Harrist, S. Carrillo, and J. Cookston
Psychology Faculty Presentations
The Sequence of Behaviors: What Mother-Child Interaction Informs Us About Disciplinary Practice, Chao Liu and R. Larzelere
Psychology Faculty Presentations
The Effects of Requiring Parental Consent for Research on Adolescents' Risk Behaviors: A Meta-Analysis, Chao Liu, Isaac Washburn, Ronald Cox, Julie Croff, and Hugh Crethar
Psychology Faculty Presentations
Apneic Oxygenation, Scott Long
Nursing Faculty Presentations
C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves, Justin D. Lyons
History and Government Faculty Presentations
History of Evangelicals in Politics, Thomas S. Mach
Administrative Personnel Presentations
Spiritual Leadership for Cultural Transformation, Brenda B. MacKay and Annis N. Shaver
Education Faculty Presentations
Luther on the Rule of Faith: Text, Testament, and Trinity, William M. Marsh
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations
Mature in Christ: The Goal of Christian Discipleship, William M. Marsh
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations
That the Next Generation Might Know Them: Telling and Training Our Children to Know and Love God, William M. Marsh
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations
“Make Me Room There": Sacred Time in Gerard Manley Hopkins’s Wreck of the Deutschland, Alicia A. McCartney
English, Literature, and Modern Languages Faculty Presentations
In Persecution, the Church Speaks in the Power of the Spirit, Randall L. McKinion
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations
Telling the 'Story' of the Old Testament, Randall L. McKinion
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations
The Psalms and Christian Worship, Randall L. McKinion
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations
The Development of L2 Pitch Range in a Short-Term Study Abroad Program, Jorge Méndez Seijas and Cristi Killingsworth
English, Literature, and Modern Languages Faculty Presentations
Application of MEMS Accelerometers in Sensing Passive Eye Response as a Surrogate for Brain Response to Head Acceleration, Yuan Meng
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Presentations
Netrin-3 Peptide (C-19) is a Chemorepellent and a Growth Inhibitor in Tetrahymena thermophila, Matthew S. Merical, Kenneth W. Ward, Lois Parks, and Heather G. Kuruvilla
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations
What Can the Library Do for You?: Redesigning Our New Student Orientation to Match Goals and Patrons, Joshua B. Michael
Library Faculty Presentations
Celebrating Faculty Work, Angelia Mickle
Nursing Faculty Presentations
60 Seconds in a Circle, Eric W. Mishne
Communication Faculty Presentations
Effects of Argumentative Headings on Text Comprehension, Eric W. Mishne
Communication Faculty Presentations
Finding Your Foundation: Exploring Approaches to Communication Scholarship, Eric W. Mishne
Communication Faculty Presentations
Romancing the Wall; Flirting in Public CMC Spaces, Eric W. Mishne
Communication Faculty Presentations
Student Motivation for Attending College and the Impact on Academic Success, Eric W. Mishne
Communication Faculty Presentations
The Academic Movie Review; How to Write an Abstract, Eric W. Mishne
Communication Faculty Presentations
Beginning Classical Improvisation: A New Path to Creative Pedagogy, John Mortensen
Music and Worship Faculty Presentations
Beyond Reciting: Improvisation for Today's Pianist, John Mortensen
Music and Worship Faculty Presentations
Improvisation for Small Vocal Ensembles, John Mortensen
Music and Worship Faculty Presentations
Improvisation Pedagogy for Pianists, John Mortensen
Music and Worship Faculty Presentations
Inspiring Creativity: Beginning Classical Improvisation for Teachers and Students, John Mortensen
Music and Worship Faculty Presentations
Piano Masterclass, John Mortensen
Music and Worship Faculty Presentations
Transforming the Curriculum: A Pedagogy of Small Ensemble Improvisation for All Music Majors, John Mortensen
Music and Worship Faculty Presentations
Optimal Taper-Trunnion Angular Mis-Match in Hip Prosthesis, Timothy L. Norman
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Presentations
The Relationship Between Spinal Implant Geometric Design Parameters and Subsidence, Timothy L. Norman
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Presentations
The Effect of Taper-Trunnion Angular Mismatch and Surface Finish on Trunnion Fretting: An Experimental Model, Timothy L. Norman, H. A. Martin, S. P. Harris, P. M. Lawrence, A. L. Lee, D. S. Erdahl, M. Barlow, and T. K. Fehring
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Presentations
Hiring for the 21st Century Law Enforcement Officer: Challenges, Opportunities, and Strategies for Success, Patrick Oliver
History and Government Faculty Presentations
U.S. Department of Justice Community Oriented Policing Service Office and Police Executive Research Forum Focus Group, Patrick Oliver
History and Government Faculty Presentations
Engaging Your Congregation in Worship, Roger L. O'Neel
Music and Worship Faculty Presentations
Equipping and Training Your Youth Band, Roger L. O'Neel
Music and Worship Faculty Presentations
Leading on Empty, Roger L. O'Neel
Music and Worship Faculty Presentations
Leading on Empty: Finding Inspiration when You Have Lost Your Motivation., Roger L. O'Neel
Music and Worship Faculty Presentations
The Flow of a Worship Service, Roger L. O'Neel
Music and Worship Faculty Presentations
Introduction to Calculus on Functors: Goodwillie and Beyond, Christina Osborne
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations
Replacing a Map by a Cofibration, Christina Osborne
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations
The First Step Towards Higher Order Chain Rules for Abelian Functor Calculus, Christina Osborne
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations
The First Step Towards Higher Order Chain Rules for Abelian Functor Calculus, Christina Osborne
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations
Validity Evidence for the Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence–Second Edition in a College Student Sample, Jason Parkin, A. Alexander Beaujean, Michael W. Firmin, Ruth L. Firmin, and Xiao Qiu
Psychology Faculty Presentations
Formulation and Delivery of Lipophilic Drugs to Cancer Cells by pHLIP® Coated Liposomes, Mohan C. Pereira
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations
Diabetic Foot Ulcer Review of Etiology and Treatment, David M. Peters
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Management and Medication for Sepsis, David M. Peters
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Management of Sepsis and Septic Shock, David M. Peters
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Our Great Commission: Antimicrobial Stewardship, David M. Peters
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
RAMPing Up Antimicrobial Therapy, David M. Peters
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
You Can't Always Get What You Want: Pharmacy Consult Breakdown at an Academic Medical Center, David M. Peters
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Ceftriaxone versus Antipseudomonal Beta-lactam Antibiotics for the Treatment of Common AmpC-producing Organisms, David M. Peters, S. Liao, J. B. Winter, C. A. Droege, and N. E. Ernst
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
A Practical Approach for Assessing Physical Fitness, David D. Peterson
Allied Health Faculty Presentations
Rx for Vocal Struggles, Susan Plemons
Music and Worship Faculty Presentations
The ABCs of Blend, Susan Plemons
Music and Worship Faculty Presentations
Trauma-Informed Kids’ Assessments-“Assisting Access”, E. Potter and Betsy E. Linnell
Psychology Faculty Presentations
From Napkins to Renderings: The Evolution of a Design, Rebekah Priebe
Art, Design, and Theatre Faculty Presentations
Financial Planning Considerations for U.S. Ex-Patriates in China, William F. Ragle
Business Administration Faculty Presentations
The 2016 Presidential Election, David L. Rich
History and Government Faculty Presentations
Enhancing Admissions Process with CASPA 3.0, Christina Robohm-Leavitt, Kevin Zalanowski, Cindy Holahan, and Jason Grahame
Allied Health Faculty Presentations
Scene Design Workshop, Jonathan Sabo
Art, Design, and Theatre Faculty Presentations
Fostering the Acquisition of Academic Language While Developing Communicative Competence, Annis N. Shaver and Louise M. Grandouiller
English, Literature, and Modern Languages Faculty Presentations
God and Politics: In Whom Do I Trust?, Kevin F. Sims
History and Government Faculty Presentations
Biblical Integration in the Health Disciplines, Elizabeth A. Sled
Allied Health Faculty Presentations
Is the BF&M Sufficient for Today?, Brandon Smith
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations
The Role of the Pharmacist in a Federally-Qualified Healthcare Clinic, Nathanael Smith, J. Cummings, C. Barnhart, O. Amaye, and M. Shenk
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Nehemiah's New Shadow: The Canonical Function of Ezra-Nehemiah Among the Writings, Ched E. Spellman
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations
Anticoagulants and New Reversal Agents, Anna M. Staudt
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Ambition – Another One Glittering Higher Up Still, Daniel R. Sterkenburg
Business Administration Faculty Presentations
Take Ownership of Your Career…No One Else Will, Daniel R. Sterkenburg
Business Administration Faculty Presentations
Medication Errors Found During Medication Reconciliation, Andrew M. Straw
Pharmacy Faculty Presentations
Vitamins and Supplements: Myths vs Facts, Andrew M. Straw
Pharmacy Faculty Presentations
Bioethics and the Christian, Dennis M. Sullivan
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Evolution and the Christian, Dennis M. Sullivan
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations