This collection showcases presentations made by Cedarville University faculty members at various conferences, workshops, and other public venues.


Presentations from 2016

Judging a Tomboy by Her Cover: Investigating Initial Tomboy Images on Book Covers, Megan R. Brown
Education Faculty Presentations

Looking for Normal and Finding More: Literature for the Gifted Child, Megan R. Brown
Education Faculty Presentations

Taking the Journey with Edward: Free Writing as Differentiated Learning, Megan R. Brown
Education Faculty Presentations

Preceptor-Assessed Progression of Student Self-Care Counseling Skills after Integrated Learning of Content, Aleda Chen, Phillip L. Thornton, Stephanie M. Cailor, Thad Franz, and Jeb Ballentine
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Development of a Comprehensive Competency Rubric for Evaluating Pharmacy Student self-care counseling, Aleda Chen, Phillip L. Thornton, Thad Franz, Jeb Ballentine, Stephanie M. Cailor, and Neal S. Fox
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

The Effects of Flipped Classroom Teaching Strategies on Self-directed Learning in Pediatric Nursing Course, S. F. Cheng, Chu-Yu Huang, and Jane Lee-Hsieh
Nursing Faculty Presentations

Using a Christian Philosophy to Incorporate Spiritual Assessment in Practice and Research, Sharon K. Christman and Elizabeth A. Delaney
Nursing Faculty Presentations

Gene Luen Yang and the Catholic Writing Tradition, Daniel D. Clark and Isaac J. Mayeux
English, Literature, and Modern Languages Faculty Presentations

NCAA Membership Process, Teresa G. Clark
Allied Health Faculty Presentations

Automated Therapeutic Drug Monitoring - System Lists and Beyond, Justin W. Cole
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Pediatric Neurology, Justin W. Cole
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Examining the Structural Determinants of Protocadherin-19 Function in Brain Morphogenesis and Epilepsy, Sharon Cooper, James D. Jontes, and Marcos Sotomayor
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations

Athletic Training Students' Perceptions on Preparation to Administer Spiritual Care to Future Patients, April D. Crommett
Allied Health Faculty Presentations

The Musician's Obligation to Jesus Christ, Bruce Curlette
Music and Worship Faculty Presentations

Modeling the Volatilization of Chloroform in a Water Tower Using a Small-Scale Reactor, Mackenzie Davies, David Dittenber, and D. Low
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Presentations

Combating Compassion Fatigue in Oncology Nursing, Elizabeth A. Delaney
Nursing Faculty Presentations


The Unknown Message, Dan DeWitt
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations

Depression, Kristin DeWitt
Psychology Faculty Presentations

Worn Out by Worry, Kristin DeWitt
Psychology Faculty Presentations

Exceptionalism versus Globalization, Glen M.E. Duerr
History and Government Faculty Presentations

Its Not Easy Being Green: Party Competition in Denmark and How it Shapes the Salience of Environmental Issues, Glen M.E. Duerr
History and Government Faculty Presentations


Second-Tier Secessionism in Europe: How Has Support for Independence in Wales, Wallonia, and Galicia Changed with Increasing Claims in Scotland, Flanders, and Catalonia?, Glen M.E. Duerr
History and Government Faculty Presentations

Drama, Literacy, and Anti-oppressive Pedagogy, B. Edmiston, Megan R. Brown, S. Fatani, S. Jackson, and N. Sivashankar
Education Faculty Presentations

Eventful Teaching: Toward a Pedagogy of Comprehension as Dialogic Sense-making Using Dramatic Inquiry, B. Edmiston, M. Whittaker, Megan R. Brown, S. Jackson, S. Fatani, and N. Sivashankar
Education Faculty Presentations

10 Ways to Prepare Your Child to Be Successful in College, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

Active Learning Pedagogy, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

ACT/SAT Mathematical Test Preparation, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations


Are You a Connected Educator?, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

Be a Connected Educator in the 21st Century Classroom, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

Be a Connected Educator Through Pinterest, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

Be a Connected Educator Through Twitter, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations


Being a Lead Learner with ICT Literacy, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations


Create a Blended Learning Environment, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

Developing Your Professional Learning Network: How Twitter Will Impact Your Science Teaching, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations


Improve Student Achievement Through the SMART Board, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

Scientific Literacy: 21st Century Inquiry for College-Readiness, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

Scientific Literacy: 21st Century Inquiry for College-Readiness, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

The Mindset of the 21st-century Learner, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

Understanding by Design Stage 1: Identify Desired Results, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

Understanding by Design Stage 2: Determine Acceptable Evidence, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

Understanding by Design Stage 3: Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

Using Scientific Literacy as a Reflective Practitioner, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations

Using Co-teaching and Professional Development to Develop Competent, Effective Master Teachers, Jeremy Ervin and Timothy L. Heaton
Education Faculty Presentations

Psalms & Hebrew Poetry, Daniel J. Estes
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations


Joint Injection for the Advanced Practice Nurse, Clifford W. Fawcett III
Nursing Faculty Presentations

Tips for Teaching the Tricky Topics, Lori Ferguson and Sarah Gilchrist
Education Faculty Presentations

Tricky Topics in Mathematics, Lori Ferguson and Sarah Gilchrist
Education Faculty Presentations

Picturing OCD: A Qualitative Study of Imagery Used to Explain Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Michael W. Firmin, Kari E. Barnhill, and Haley K. Foster
Psychology Faculty Presentations

The Six Stages of OCD: A Qualitative Analysis, Michael W. Firmin, Kari E. Barnhill, Hannah W. Foster, and Lynley G. Turkelson
Psychology Faculty Presentations

Implications of APA and ACA Ethical Code Differences Pertaining to Research, Michael W. Firmin, Kristin DeWitt, Aubrey Gillette, Taylor E. Hobbs, and Lauren A. Kuhlwein
Psychology Faculty Presentations

Technology and Culture: Differences Between APA and ACA Ethical Codes, Michael W. Firmin, Kristin DeWitt, Aubrey Gillette, L. Kuhlwein, and Taylor E. Hobbs
Psychology Faculty Presentations

Differences in Competency and Qualification Requirements Between the APA and ACA Ethical Codes, Michael W. Firmin, Kristin DeWitt, Taylor E. Hobbs, L. Kuhlwein, and Aubrey Gillette
Psychology Faculty Presentations

Relationships and Client Protection Differences in the APA and ACA Ethical Codes, Michael W. Firmin, Kristin DeWitt, L. Kuhlwein, Taylor E. Hobbs, and Aubrey Gillette
Psychology Faculty Presentations

A Qualitative Assessment of Military Kids: Instabilities and Constants, Michael W. Firmin, Aubrey Gillette, and Taylor E. Hobbs
Psychology Faculty Presentations

Effects of Olfactory Sense on Craving, Michael W. Firmin, Aubrey Gillette, and Taylor E. Hobbs
Psychology Faculty Presentations

Perspectives Regarding Motivations for Adoption by Christian Adoptive Parents: A Qualitative Study, Michael W. Firmin, Ruth L. Markham, Kelly Pugh, Valerie Sohn, and Emily N. Gentry
Psychology Faculty Presentations

You Can Do It!: Assessing (and Re-assessing) Your Web Presence for Student Satisfaction, Joseph Fox, Kristi L. Coe, Tricia L. Clark, and Linda Divan
Library Faculty Presentations

Impact of Using Team-based Learning in Patient Education on Diabetes Outcomes, Tracy R. Frame, Juanita A. Draime, and Thaddeus T. Franz
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Transitions of Care: Barriers and Opportunities for Pharmacists, Thaddeus T. Franz
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Healing Effects of Sound Nutrition and Fitness, Kathleen Freese and April D. Crommett
Allied Health Faculty Presentations

Combating the Challenges of Working as an Athletic Trainer in an Ego-Oriented Motivational Climate: Theory to Practice, Genna A. Fusco
Allied Health Faculty Presentations

NCAA Division II Athletics, Alan Geist
Administrative Personnel Presentations

LXX Reading of Deuteronomy 33:2, John R. Gilhooly
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations

Occasionalism, Prediction, and Scientific Realism, John R. Gilhooly
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations

Ontological Arguments, John R. Gilhooly
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations

The Mystery of the Trinity in Gregory of Nazianzus, John R. Gilhooly
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations

Binge Eating Disorder and Substance Abuse Disorder: A Case for Food Addiction, Aubrey Gillette and Michael W. Firmin
Psychology Faculty Presentations

Perceived Expectations of Pastors' Kids, Aubrey Gillette, Maleah Whitehead, and Michael W. Firmin
Psychology Faculty Presentations

Application of Rasch Methodology to Develop and Validate a Measure of Intention to Stay in Academia for Physician Assistant Faculty, Karen Graham-Burnet
Allied Health Faculty Presentations

Development and Validation of a Measure Using Rasch Methodolgy, Karen Graham-Burnet
Allied Health Faculty Presentations

PA Faculty Identity and Leadership Aspirations, Karen Graham-Burnet
Allied Health Faculty Presentations

Predictors of PA Faculty Intent to Leave Academia, Karen Graham-Burnet
Allied Health Faculty Presentations

Type I and Type II Diabetes, Karen Graham-Burnet
Allied Health Faculty Presentations

Mission-Driven Admissions: Aligning Process & Purpose, Jason Grahame and et al
Allied Health Faculty Presentations

Literacy Research Meets Community Volunteers in an Urban After-school Program: Discourse Surrounding the Use of Collective Memories As a Teaching Strategy, Margaret Grigorenko
Education Faculty Presentations

One Church’s Journey in Mission: Start Up, Course Correction or Carrying On?, Margaret Grigorenko
Education Faculty Presentations

An Examination of Academic Language and Collective Memories as Expanded Teaching Strategies in an After-School Enrichment Program, Margaret Grigorenko, Betty Ruth Sylvester, and S. Dixon
Education Faculty Presentations

Collective Memory Servicing Disciplinary Literacy in an Out-of-School Program, Margaret Grigorenko, Betty Ruth Sylvester, and S. Dixon
Education Faculty Presentations

Teaching Adversarial Thinking for Cybersecurity, Seth Hamman
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Presentations


Biblical Critique of Crony Capitalism, Jeffrey E. Haymond
Business Administration Faculty Presentations


Delegation and Empowerment, Timothy L. Heaton
Education Faculty Presentations


Handbook of Instructional Leadership, Timothy L. Heaton
Education Faculty Presentations


Personal Organization, Timothy L. Heaton
Education Faculty Presentations


The Essential Connection Between a Safe and Secure School Climate and Students’ Educational and Life Success, Timothy L. Heaton
Education Faculty Presentations


The Multicultural Classroom, Timothy L. Heaton
Education Faculty Presentations


Time Management, Timothy L. Heaton
Education Faculty Presentations


Understanding Diversity, Timothy L. Heaton
Education Faculty Presentations


What Great Principals Do Differently: 15 Things That Matter Most, Timothy L. Heaton
Education Faculty Presentations

Student Integrity in the 21st Century, Nelson L. Henning
Social Work Faculty Presentations

Exploring the Professor-Student Relationship After Life-Threatening Trauma, George E. Huff and Michael E. Sherr
Social Work Faculty Presentations

Visual Design for Worship: Color, Type and Image, Aaron C. Huffman
Art, Design, and Theatre Faculty Presentations

Visual Design for Worship: Visual Elements & Principles, Aaron C. Huffman
Art, Design, and Theatre Faculty Presentations

God in Life and Leadership, Thomas Hutchison
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations

Listening to God's Voice, Thomas Hutchison
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations

Meet the Antimicrobial Stewardship Pharmacists, Zach Jenkins, R. Ghamrawi, R. Margevicius, and K. Sobecki
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

An Interprofessional Approach to Teaching Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) to Pharmacy and Nursing Students, Zach Jenkins, A. Voris, Connie Bierly Ford, Mark Pinkerton, Carolyn A. Barnett, Karen Callan, Douglas Anderson, and Stephanie M. Cailor
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Catalyst for Change, Kevin Jones
Education Faculty Presentations

Miseducating Race, Kevin Jones
Education Faculty Presentations

Racialization, Kevin Jones
Education Faculty Presentations

Influencing the Future of Nursing by Building Leadership in Baccalaureate Nursing Students, Carrie N. Keib and Carolyn A. Barnett
Nursing Faculty Presentations