Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations | School of Science and Mathematics | Cedarville University

Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations



Presentations from 2011

Cases of Equality in the Riesz Rearrangement Inequality (Master’s Exam), Megan E. Rabe

Genericity of One-Dimensional Eigenspaces for Elliptic Operators, Megan E. Rabe

Summer School Administration: Centralize or De-centralize?, M. Salazar-Valentine and Mark D. McClain

Bioethics in a Culture of Choice, Dennis M. Sullivan

A Pattern of Mathematical Problem Solving Among Females: A Longitudinal Study, J. Tague, C. Joswick, and Sarah Gilchrist

Searching Out the Systematic Diversity of Type Ia Supernovae, Andrew J. Wagers, L. Wang, and S. Asztalos

Presentations from 2010

Campus Energy Inventory, Robert Chasnov and Mark A. Gathany

Roles of the β-Barrel and POTRA Domains of BamA, Sharon Cooper

Variation in DNA Methylation in a Lit1 CpG Island with Aging in Mice, Sharon Cooper

MicroRNA regulation of ASC in immunologically active human monocytes, A. Corsaro, Kaleb M. Pauley, and S. Cha

MicroRNA regulation of ASC in immunologically active human monocytes, A. Corsaro, L. Walker, Kaleb M. Pauley, and S. Cha

Topographic Effects on Fungal and Bacterial Contribution to CO2 Production from Riparian Soils, Mark A. Gathany and A. Plasterer

Determining the Level of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching of Geometry of Two Cohorts Secondary Teachers, Sarah Gilchrist and R. Somayajulu


Deep Ocean Interaction in a Post-Flood Warm Ocean Scenario, Steven M. Gollmer

Series Estimation Using B-splines with a Penalization, Ashley D. Holland

Series Estimation Using B-splines with a Penalization, Ashley D. Holland


Potential Mechanisms for the Deposition of Halite and Anhydrite in a Near-critical or Supercritical Submarine Environment, Aaron R. Hutchison

Thin-Type Dense Sets and Related Properties, Jennifer D. Hutchison

The Effect of a Cationic Porphyrin on Pseudomonas Aeruginosa biofilms, E. Markus, Tracy L. Collins, and J. Robinson

The Effect of a Cationic Porphyrin on the Viability of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and the Generalized Transducing Phage, E. Markus, E. Raphael, Tracy L. Collins, and J. Robinson

Preemptive Rerouting of Airline Passengers Under Uncertain Delays, Lindsey McCarty

Preemptive Rerouting of Airline Passengers Under Uncertain Delays, Lindsey McCarty, A. Cohn, and D. Viswanath

Will It Blend: Large Lecture Course, Clickers, and Team-Based Learning?, Mark D. McClain

A Survey of Black Flies (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Southern Ohio Streams Using Cytological Methods, Michael J. Mendel, P. H. Adler, and R. J. Mendel

Receptor-mediated small interfering RNA delivery in Sjögren's syndrome, Kaleb M. Pauley and S. Cha

Receptor-mediated Small Interfering RNA Delivery in Sjögren's Syndrome, Kaleb M. Pauley, A. E. Gauna, E. K. Chan, and S. Cha

Free Will: Does it Exist? Does it Matter?, Dennis M. Sullivan and William Provine

Wavelets as a Tool for Studying SNe Ia Spectra, Andrew J. Wagers, L. Wang, and S. Asztalos

Wavelets, PCA, and SNe! Oh My!, Andrew J. Wagers, L. Wang, and S. Asztalos

Nociceptin and Nociceptin Derivatives are Chemorepellents in Tetrahymena thermophila (RSS), J. Weston, J. Kranenburg, E. Leffel, A. Barfell, M. Sherry, Hannah Cathers, and Heather G. Kuruvilla

Identification of Novel Protein Interactions in order to Elucidate the Role of the p38/MITF Signaling Pathway During Bone Development, M. Williams, M. Sherry, and Alicia E. Schaffner

Submissions from 2009

Re-Booking Disrupted Airline Passengers While Uncertainty Still Remains, A. Cohn, Lindsey Selegue (McCarty), and D. Viswanath

Post-Flood Ocean Cooling and the Ice Age, Steven M. Gollmer

A Test for Conditional Independence, Ashley D. Holland

Embedding Technology to Enhance Chemistry Learning, Mark D. McClain, J. W. Whitacre, Dara E. Fraley, Philip J. Schanely, and Donald S. Humphreys

The electron affinity and partial photodetachment cross sections of Hf-, Lin Pan and D. R. Beck

Elevated microRNA expression in autoimmune Sjögren's syndrome, Kaleb M. Pauley, P. R. Dominguez-Gutierrez, E. K. Chan, and S. Cha

Altered microRNA expression and its potential implication in Sjögren's syndrome, Kaleb M. Pauley, L. C. Dupre, R. Kuklani, B. A. Pauley, C. M. Stewart, W. H. Reeves, and E. K. Chan

RANKL Signaling and MITF Interaction in Osteoclast Differentiation, Alicia E. Schaffner

Human Personhood at the Beginning of Life: Medical and Philosophical Reflections, Dennis M. Sullivan


Ohio Efforts to Ban Human Cloning, Dennis M. Sullivan

Nociceptin and Nociceptin Derivatives Are Chemorepellents in Tetrahymena thermophila, J. T. Weston and Heather G. Kuruvilla

Presentations from 2008

Trace Gas Biogeochemistry in Response to Wildland Fire and Forest Management in Ponderosa Pine Ecosystems of Colorado, Mark A. Gathany and I. Burke

Concurrency Patterns and Controls in Biological Systems, Steven M. Gollmer


Modeling Biochemical Processes as Designed Systems, Steven M. Gollmer

Synthesis of a psico-Nucleoside Analog of Oxetanocin A, Nathan E. Hnatiuk, A. R. Howell, J. Rowley, and G. R. Coates

The Logic Model as a Framework to Evaluate Preservice Science Teacher Education Programs and Nature of Science Outcomes, William I. Jones

Engagement and Learning Through Chemistry Demonstrations, Mark D. McClain

Virtually Early: An Online Model for Early College Programs, Mark D. McClain, Andrew A. Runyan, and Donald Humphreys

Embedding Technology for Learning Enhancement on a Shoestring Budget, Mark D. McClain, J. W. Whitacre, Dara E. Fraley, Philip J. Schanely, and Donald Humphreys

A Continued Faunal Survey of Ohio Black Flies (Simuliidae) Using Cytological Methods, Michael J. Mendel

The Distribution of Ohio Black Fly Species and Sibling Species: Cytological Results from a Second Field Season, Michael J. Mendel, P. H. Adler, and R. J. Mendel

Calculation of electron affinity and partial cross sections of Hf-, Lin Pan and D. R. Beck

Study of Radioactive Level in Zircon: A Scientific Approach to Enhance the Value of Sri Lankan Natural Zircon, Mohan C. Pereira

Random Iteration, Megan E. Rabe


Nociceptive Polycationic Peptides Are Chemorepellents in Tetrahymena thermophila, Alicia E. Schaffner and Heather G. Kuruvilla

Excimer Modification of Poly (R-3-hydroxybutyrate), Nina M. Sekerak and E. A. Waddell


Ethics and the Embryo, Dennis M. Sullivan

Keynote Address, Dennis M. Sullivan

Keynote Address (2008), Dennis M. Sullivan

Medical Tourism, Dennis M. Sullivan

New Ideas in Stem Cell Research, Dennis M. Sullivan

Presentations from 2007

Farnesol is Sensed by PilJ and Inhibits Surface Motility in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Tracy L. Collins, M. Connolly, and J. Robinson

The Effects of Forest Thinning Practices and Altered Nutrient Supply on Soil Trace Gas Fluxes in Colorado, Mark A. Gathany and I. Burke

Degradation of Design and Anti-Patterns, Steven M. Gollmer

Algorithms on Steroids: How, for a Small Fee, Randomizing Can Enhance Performance, Adam J. Hammett

Minimal Particle Exchanges in Random Sorting Networks, Adam J. Hammett

On the Likelihood of Comparability in Bruhat Order, Adam J. Hammett

Mercury and the Genesis Flood: A Response to Morton, Aaron R. Hutchison

Proteomic Analysis of P. aeruginoas to E,E-farnesol, a Quorum-sensing Compound of Candida Albicans, S. Jones-Dozier, Tracy L. Collins, J. Robinson, and G. Pierce

The Results of a First Year Survey of Black Fly (Simuliidae) Larvae in Ohio, Michael J. Mendel

A Survey of Black Flies (Simuliidae), Including Sibling Species, in Ohio, Michael J. Mendel, P. H. Adler, and R. J. Mendel

Bioethics Keynote Presentations, Dennis M. Sullivan


Embryonic Stem Cells from Non-Destructive Sources: A Way Out of the Ethical Quagmire?, Dennis M. Sullivan

Embryonic Stem Cells from Non-Destructive Sources: A Way Out of the Ethical Quagmire?, Dennis M. Sullivan

Stem Cells and Moral Complicity, Dennis M. Sullivan

Supernova Cosmology and Wavelet Decomposition, Andrew J. Wagers, L. Wang, and S. Asztalos

Dressing Procedure and Some Homoclinic Connections for the Sasa-Satsuma Equation, Otis C. Wright III

Presentations from 2006

Effect of Prescribed Burning on Microbial Structure and Trace Gas Fluxes in the Shortgrass Steppe, E. Bontii, Mark A. Gathany, and I. Burke

Sample Assessments for NSTA/NCATE Accreditation, E. Brownstein, William I. Jones, and D. Meissner

Mechanical and Fatigue Properties of a Super-high Strength Developmental Al-Zn-Mg-Sc Alloy for Use in Cryogenic Applications, M. J. Caton, O. N. Senkov, S. K. Jha, and Lindsey Selegue (McCarty)

Farnesol is Sensed by PilJ and Inhibits Surface Motility in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Tracy L. Collins, M. Connolly, and J. Robinson

Farnesol is Sensed by PilJ and Inhibits Surface Motility in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Tracy L. Collins, M. Connolly, and J. Robinson

Iteration and Chaos: Beauty from the Mundane, Darrin D. Frey

Soil Trace Gas Fluxes Following Forest Fire Along a Chronosequence in Northern Colorado: A Preliminary Investigation, Mark A. Gathany and I. Burke

Design Patterns Applied to Systems Biology, Steven M. Gollmer

How Often Are Two Permutations Comparable in Bruhat Order, Adam J. Hammett

On the Likelihood of Comparability in Bruhat Order, Adam J. Hammett

Relativistic configuration interaction calculations for the J=3/2, 5/2 states of Mo VI, Lin Pan and D. R. Beck


Characterizing the Polycation Receptor of Paramecium, Eric D. Robinette and Heather G. Kuruvilla

Bioethics in the New Millennium, Dennis M. Sullivan

Complicity and Stem Cell Research: Countering the Utilitarian Argument, Dennis M. Sullivan

Panel Presentation (2006), Dennis M. Sullivan


Terri Schiavo: The 'Real' Story, Dennis M. Sullivan

Public Debate: Ethics of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research (2006), Dennis M. Sullivan, R. Reese, and A. McWilliams

Presentations from 2005

PilJ is a MCP and is necessary for Type IV pili biogenesis and Function in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, P. DeLange, Tracy L. Collins, and J. Robinson

Alternating Subgroups in Exceptional Complex Lie Groups, Darrin D. Frey

Alternating Subgroups in Exceptional Complex Lie Groups, Darrin D. Frey

Conjugacy of Alternating Subgroups and Their Nonsplit Central Extensions in Exceptional Complex Lie Groups, Darrin D. Frey

Conjugacy of Embeddings of Alt_5 and SL(2, 5) Subgroups into E_7(C), Darrin D. Frey