Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations | School of Science and Mathematics | Cedarville University

Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations



Presentations from 1989

Conjugation in Inverse Semigroups, Darrin D. Frey

Determination of the Thermal Stability of Fluids by Tensimetry: Instrumentation and Procedure, Larry S. Helmick

Thermal Stability Measurements on PFPAE Fluids, Larry S. Helmick

Presentations from 1987

Thermal Stability Properties of Some Perfluoroalkylethers Using an Automated Tensimeter, Larry S. Helmick

Colorado Potato Beetle Antifeedants, Michael J. Mendel and A. R. Alford

Interpretation of Choice Versus No-choice Limonin Antifeedant Tests for Fall Armyworm and Colorado Potato Beetle, Michael J. Mendel, A. R. Alford, M. D. Bentley, and M. S. Rajab

Presentations from 1986

Life History Characteristics of Anastatus Semiflavidus (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae), an Egg Parasitoid of the Range Caterpillar (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae), Over a Range of Temperatures, Michael J. Mendel

Presentations from 1981

Fourier Transform Infrared and Scanninig Electron Microscope Studies of Fuel Storage and Thermal Deposits, Larry S. Helmick

FTIR Studies of Fuel Storage and Thermal Deposits, Larry S. Helmick

Presentations from 1973

Liquid Ammonia. A Modern Look, Larry S. Helmick

Presentations from 1972

Reactive Intermediates in Liquid Ammonia. Addition of Amide Ion to Isoquinoline and Quinoline in Liquid Ammonia Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra of Anionic Sigma Complexes, Larry S. Helmick

Reactive Intermediates in Liquid Ammonia. Covalent Amination of Heteroaromatic Compounds, Larry S. Helmick

Reactive Intermediates in Liquid Ammonia. Ionization in Liquid Ammonia of Methyl and Amino Groups Bonded to Pyridine and Pyrazine. A Method of Determining Their pKa Values, Larry S. Helmick

Presentations from 1970

Inductive Effects of Substituents on Annular Nitrogen. Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange of N-Substituted Pyridinium Ions, Larry S. Helmick