Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations | School of Science and Mathematics | Cedarville University

Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations



Presentations from 2021

Novel Zinc Porphyrin Antibiotic Shows Activity against Pseudomonas In Vitro, Jessica Geyer


Novel Patented Porphyrin Works Synergistically with Bacteriophage PEV2 in the Removal of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilms on Medically Relevant Substrata, Jessica Geyer and Hannah C. Gordon

Integrating Writing and Mathematics: Journaling to Increase Learning and Enjoyment While Reducing Anxiety, Lindsey A. McCarty

Decomposing the Classifying Diagram in Terms of Classifying Spaces of Groups, Christina Osborne

Presentations from 2020

Effect of a Combination Therapy Using a Novel Zinc Porphyrin and Tobramycin Against Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilms Attached to Different Substrata, Jessica Geyer


Novel Combinational Therapy Targets Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilm Infections in a Flow Model, Jessica Geyer

Decomposing the Classifying Diagram in Terms of Classifying Spaces of Groups, Christina Osborne

Old and New Chain Rules, Christina Osborne

Old and New Chain Rules, Christina Osborne

Presentations from 2019


Characterization of a Netrin-4 Like Protein in Tetrahymena thermophila, Leah Anderton, Nicholas Bradley, Bryce Childers, Levi Fox, Kirstyn Kelley, Lauren Lightbody, Allison McClean, Estelle Viaud-Murat, Lydia Watson, and Heather G. Kuruvilla


Recombinant Netrin-4 Does Not Signal Through the Netrin-1 or Netrin-3 Pathway in Tetrahymena thermophila, Nicholas Bradley and Heather G. Kuruvilla


Tetrahymena thermophila Lack a Homologue of the Caenorhabditis Elegans Lin-4 miRNA, Bryce H. Childers, Sorrel Paris, Emma Wessels, and Heather G. Kuruvilla

NSTA/CAEP Science Teacher Preparation Standards, Michael Dias, Deborah Hemler, and William I. Jones

Combination Phage and Porphyrin Therapy Against Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilms, Jessica Geyer

Effect of a Novel Zinc Porphyrin against Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilms Attached to Different Substrata, Jessica Geyer

Decomposing the Classifying Diagram in Terms of Classifying Spaces of Groups, Christina Osborne

Decomposing the Classifying Diagram in Terms of Classifying Spaces of Groups, Christina Osborne

pH-sensitive Niosomes for Targeted Delivery, Mohan C. Pereira


Lithostratigraphic Correlation of Upper Paleozoic Sandstone Bodies in the Western United States with Special Emphasis on the Coconino Sandstone, John H. Whitmore

The Coconino Sandstone Story, John H. Whitmore

Effective Integration of Some Integrable Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations, Otis C. Wright III

Presentations from 2018


Netrin-3 Signals Through Serine Phosphorylation in Tetrahymena thermophila, Cayla C. Eckley, Rebecca N. Haught, Kyle J. Hooper, Jared E. Matz, Joshua L. Wilson, Bethany C. Khol, Katelyn R. Malik, and Heather G. Kuruvilla

Characterizations of Pseudomonas aeruginosa aggregates in high viscosity, Jessica Geyer


On Passing the Buck, Adam J. Hammett and Anna Joy Yang


Netrin-3: Tracking the Elusive Antimitotic Signal on the Western Frontier, Michael David Jolley, Kirsten P. Kelley, Jared E. Matz, Natalie S. Phillips, Emma Wessels, and Heather G. Kuruvilla


Mapping Netrin Signaling in Tetrahymena thermophila, Katelyn R. Malik, Bethany C. Khol, Stephanie J. Hermann, Kenneth W. Ward, Daniele T. Modderman, and Heather G. Kuruvilla

Old and New Chain Rules, Christina Osborne

The Classifying Diagram of the Category of Finite Sets, Christina Osborne

The Interaction of the Carboxy-terminus of HPV L2 Minor Capsid Protein with Membranes, Mohan C. Pereira


Small Mammal Diversity Varies by Vegetative Cover (Greene County, Ohio), Shannon Swicker, Kaytlin (Goodwin) Huizinga, and Mark A. Gathany


A Comparative Analysis of Martin Luther's Works, Lauren E. Yost, Josh Graham, Peter Kennell, Daniel J. Stank, Joshua Kira, and Annis N. Shaver

Presentations from 2017


Migration Frustrations of miR-146a Regulation, Emma Baccus, Victoria Gahman, Hannah Phillips, Shannon Rappaport, Alyssa Reiter, and Kaleb M. Pauley


Spatial and Temporal Variability of Water Quality Parameters in Cedar Lake (Cedarville, Ohio), Laura A. Cashman, William A. Smith, Shannon L. Swicker, Abigail L. Williams, and Mark A. Gathany

The Mechanism of Protocadherin-19 Mediated Adhesion and Its Role in Brain Morphogenesis and Female Epilepsy, Sharon Cooper, James D. Jontes, and Marcos Sotomayor


Netrin-3 Peptide (C-19) is a Chemorepellent and a Growth Inhibitor in Tetrahymena thermophila, Jennifer N. Felzien, Brandon R. Kalb, Bethany C. Khol, Katelyn R. Malik, Matthew S. Merical, Lois Parks, David Paulding, Shannon Rappaport, Kenneth W. Ward, and Heather G. Kuruvilla


Effect of Metformin on miR-146a Expression, S. Jackson Grout, Bryce C. MacTurk, Amanda D. Sims, and Kaleb M. Pauley


Does Logic Help Us Beat Monty Hall?, Adam J. Hammett, Nathan A. Harold, and Tucker R. Rhodes


Netrin-3 Avoidance and Mitotic Inhibition in Tetrahymena thermophila Involves Intracellular Calcium and Serine/Threonine Kinase Activity, Stephanie J. Hermann, Bailey L. Hixon, Bethany C. Khol, Ryan D. Kvarness, Jade Lee, Katelyn R. Malik, Gregg W. Mendel, Daniele T. Modderman, Lois Parks, David Paulding, Kenneth W. Ward, Matthew A. Sitler, and Heather G. Kuruvilla


Immunolocalization of a Netrin-3 Like Peptide in Tetrahymena thermophila Using Antibodies Against the N- and C-terminus of the Protein, Bethany C. Khol, Katelyn R. Malik, and Heather G. Kuruvilla


Netrin-1 Signals Through Protein Kinases in Tetrahymena thermophila, Bethany C. Khol, Katelyn R. Malik, and Heather G. Kuruvilla

Along-dip Textural Trends in the Permian Coconino Sandstone from Thin Section and Laser Diffraction Particle Analysis, Sarah A. Maithel, Brand Leonard, and John H. Whitmore


MiR-146a Upregulation of Phagocytosis in Human Macrophages, Ryan Marquardt, Daniel J. Stank, and Kaleb M. Pauley


E,E-farnesol Inhibits Swarming Motility in Burkholderia cepacia Through Rhamnolipid Production, Stephanie E. Nicholls, Alayna N. Sanderson, Andrea P. Schwartz, Lauren E. Ward, Jessica N. Weisensee, Molly Yandrofski, and Tracy L. Collins

A Higher Order Chain Rule for Abelian Functor Calculus, Christina Osborne

Directional Derivatives & Higher Order Chain Rules for Abelian Functor Calculus, Christina Osborne

Investigations of the Classifying and Classification Diagrams, Christina Osborne

Old and New Chain Rules, Christina Osborne

Old and New Chain Rules, Christina Osborne

The Classifying Diagram of the Category of Finite Sets, Christina Osborne

The First Step Towards Higher Order Chain Rules for Abelian Functor Calculus, Christina Osborne


The Effect of Photoactivated TMP on Burkholderia cepacia Biofilms, Reyna G. Osorio, Chandra N. Swiech, and Tracy L. Collins


Genetic Variation in Concentration of the 33-mer Protein Subcomponent in Wheat, Robert L. Paris, Kaleb M. Pauley, Ryan K. Lokkesmoe, Sarah E. Lyon, James C. Dunlap, Julia M. Pierre, Timothy VanWingerden, Finny J. Johns, Kyle J. Kilchrist, Tyler J. Reid, and Caleb M. Winn


How the Coconino Sandstone of the Grand Canyon Supports Young-Earth Creation and a Global Flood, John H. Whitmore


Rounding of Quartz and K-Feldspar Sand From Beach to Dune Settings Along the California and Oregon Coastlines: Implications for Ancient Sandstones, John H. Whitmore and Raymond Strom

Two-phase Solutions of the Cubic Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation, Otis C. Wright III

Presentations from 2016


The Effect of Luteolin on Human Glioblastoma, David M. Anson, Samson Amos, Robert L. Paris, and Denise S. Simpson

Chaos in Dendritic Julia Sets, Nathan Averbeck and Brian E. Raines

Distributional Chaos in Dendritic and Circular Julia Sets, Nathan Averbeck and Brian E. Raines


A Netrin-3 Like Protein is Secreted from Tetrahymena thermophila, John W. Behnke, David M. Dombrowski, Bryce C. MacTurk, Matthew S. Merical, Kenneth W. Ward, Lauren E. Ward, Daniel J. Stank, and Heather G. Kuruvilla


Genetic Diversity in Concentration of a Protein Subcomponent in Selected Wheat Lines, Andrew B. Berman, Kelsey Gentry, Alexander K. Lee, Molly Yandrofski, Malorie Young, and Robert L. Paris


Optimization of Fluorescent Phagocytic Assay Using Apoptotic Cells, Jacob L. Brown, Jason R. Leigh, Ryan Marquardt, Cambria R. Puffenberger, Daniel J. Stank, and Kaleb M. Pauley

Examining the Structural Determinants of Protocadherin-19 Function in Brain Morphogenesis and Epilepsy, Sharon Cooper, James D. Jontes, and Marcos Sotomayor


On a Multiple-Choice Guessing Game, Ryan Cushman and Adam J. Hammett

Tips for Teaching the Tricky Topics, Lori Ferguson and Sarah Gilchrist


Relations Between Stream Chemistry, Fish Diversity, and Land Use in the Upper Little Miami Watershed, Connor J. Gilmour, Randy Howell, David Paulding, Charles W. Reynolds, and Mark A. Gathany


Does Recreational Diving Alter Hawksbill Sea Turtle Foraging Behavior? Results from a Marine Protected Area, Honduras, Christian Hayes


Further Biochemical Evidence for Secretion of a Netrin-1 Like Protein from Tetrahymena thermophila, Matthew S. Merical and Heather G. Kuruvilla


Netrin-3 Peptide (C-19) is a Chemorepellent and a Growth Inhibitor in Tetrahymena thermophila, Matthew S. Merical, Kenneth W. Ward, Lois Parks, and Heather G. Kuruvilla

Introduction to Calculus on Functors: Goodwillie and Beyond, Christina Osborne

Replacing a Map by a Cofibration, Christina Osborne

The First Step Towards Higher Order Chain Rules for Abelian Functor Calculus, Christina Osborne

The First Step Towards Higher Order Chain Rules for Abelian Functor Calculus, Christina Osborne

Formulation and Delivery of Lipophilic Drugs to Cancer Cells by pHLIP® Coated Liposomes, Mohan C. Pereira


Investigation of the Effects of Growth Environment on the Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power of Selected Plant Species, Denise S. Simpson, Marshall C. Johnson, David T. Bancroft, and Robert L. Paris

A Comparison of Natural Substrate vs. Artificial Substrate Sampling Devices for Periphyton and Biofilm Assessment, A. Valigosky, P. Anderson, Michael J. Mendel, B. Bartelme, and B. Williams

Keynote Address, John H. Whitmore


Preliminary Correlation and Isopach Map of Pennsylvanian and Permian Sandstones of the Western United States, John H. Whitmore

An Effective Integration Method for Two-Phase Solutions of the Focusing NLS Equation, Otis C. Wright III

Presentations from 2015


Evidence for Secretion of a Netrin-1-like Protein by Tetrahymena thermophila, Victoria E. Ames, Grant Hooper, Aubrey J. Juris, Cole Knox, Jack Lightbody, Alexa C. Manthei, Jacob P. Olejarczyk, Benjamin D. Swenor, Amiah Warder, Emily B. Weindorf, Taylor L. Vander Plas, and Heather G. Kuruvilla


Evidence for Secretion of a Netrin-1-like Protein by Tetrahymena thermophila, Victoria E. Ames, Grant Hooper, Aubrey J. Juris, Cole Knox, Jack Lightbody, Alexa C. Manthei, Jacob P. Olejarczyk, Benjamin D. Swenor, Amiah Warder, Emily B. Weindorf, Taylor L. Vander Plas, and Heather G. Kuruvilla

Distributional Chaos in Dendritic Julia Sets, Nathan Averbeck and Brian E. Raines


Photo Recognition for In-water Identification of Hawksbills in a Marine Protected Area of Honduras, Linda Baeza, Christian Hayes, Marsha K. Wright, Lidia A. Salinas, and Stephen G. Dunbar


Evaluating Antioxidant Activity of Selected Plant Species Native to Cedarville, Ohio, Daniel A. Benson, Alexander P. Treide, David Woodfield, Joshua A. Sitler, Denise S. Simpson, and Robert L. Paris

Understanding Pcdh19 Function: From Brain Morphogenesis to Molecular Adhesion Properties, Sharon Cooper

Protocadherins Control the Modular Assembly of Neuronal Columns in the Zebrafish Optic Tectum, Sharon Cooper, M. R. Emond, P. Q. Duy, B. G. Liebau, M. A. Wolman, and James D. Jontes

Examining the Structural Determinants of Protocadherin-19 Function in Brain Morphogenesis and Epilepsy, Sharon Cooper, James D. Jontes, and Marcos Sotomayor

Building Learning Opportunities: Appealing to Convention and Collective Memory, Sarah Gilchrist


Monitoring Fish Diversity in Massies Creek, Ohio, Connor J. Gilmour, Jenelle C. Krob, Angela McCain, and Mark A. Gathany


Match-Making for Stability: A Survey of the Stable Marriage Problem, Adam J. Hammett


Does Recreational Diving Impact Hawksbill Sea Turtle Sighting Rates? Preliminary Analysis for a Marine Protected Area, Honduras, Christian Hayes, Dustin S. Baumbach, Marsha K. Wright, Linda Baeza, Marta Macpui, Lidia A. Salinas, and Stephen G. Dunbar


Potential Hawksbill Prey Item Distribution Among Dive Sites in a Marine Protected Area in Roatán, Bay Islands, Honduras, Christian Hayes, Marsha K. Wright, Marta Macpui, Lidia A. Salinas, and Stephen G. Dunbar


Assessing Ethical Awareness in a Molecular and Cellular Biology Major, Heather G. Kuruvilla


Interstitial Cystitis: The Estrogen Connection, Heather G. Kuruvilla


Netrin-1 Signaling in Tetrahymena thermophila: The Tyrosine Kinase Controversy Continues, Matthew S. Merical and Heather G. Kuruvilla

Group Actions and Fiber Bundles, Christina Osborne

Introduction to Model Categories, Christina Osborne

Model Structures and Simplicial Presheaves, Christina Osborne


A Photo-detachment Study of Binding Energies of La-, Lin Pan


Sightings Records of Hawksbills in a Marine Protected Area of Honduras, Marsha K. Wright, Linda Baeza, Christian Hayes, Lidia A. Salinas, and Stephen G. Dunbar

Presentations from 2014

Distributional Chaos in Dendrites, Nathan Averbeck and Brian E. Raines