Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations | School of Science and Mathematics | Cedarville University

Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations



Presentations from 2005


A Systems View of Life: A Grander Order in the Complexity of Life, Steven M. Gollmer

A Lower Bound for Weak Order Comparability, Adam J. Hammett

An Upper Bound for Weak Order Comparability, Adam J. Hammett

A Random-Walk Connection with Bruhat Comparability, Adam J. Hammett

The Development and Assessment of a Reflective Process for Preservice Teachers, T. Huziak, N. Schaefer, T. McKeny, William I. Jones, G. Rice, and L. Hoenshell

Examination of a Cohesive Reflection and Evaluation Process for Preservice Teachers, William I. Jones and T. Huziak

Meeting NCATE/NSTA Accreditation: A Framework and Resources, William I. Jones, D. Meissner, and E. Brownstein


A Ciliary Sensation: Mapping Components of the GTP Signaling Pathway, Heather G. Kuruvilla


Requiring Undergraduate Research for a BS Degree in Biology: Does It Do Any Good?, Heather G. Kuruvilla, Alicia E. Schaffner, and B. E. Phipps


Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Fluid Flow in a Rotating Channel, Zhaohui (George) Qin

Panel Presentation, Dennis M. Sullivan


Stem Cells and Moral Analogies, Dennis M. Sullivan

Teaching Bioethics Across the Disciplines: A 'Survival Kit' for Undergrads, Dennis M. Sullivan

Debate: Ethics of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Dennis M. Sullivan, R. Reese, and A. McWilliams

Homoclinic Connections of Unstable Plane Waves of the Long-wave-short-wave Equations, Otis C. Wright III

Instabilities and Oscillations in a Modified Nonlinear Schroedinger Equation, Otis C. Wright III

Mathematics Colloquium, Otis C. Wright III

Presentations from 2004

PilJ is a MCP and is necessary for Type IV pili biogenesis and Function in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, P. DeLange, Tracy L. Collins, and J. Robinson

PilJ is a MCP and is necessary for Type IV pili biogenesis and Function in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, P. DeLange, Tracy L. Collins, and J. Robinson

Sources of Variability in Soil Carbon in Adjacent, Young and Old Forests in Ohio, Mark A. Gathany and K. Brown


Modeling Holistic Behavior of Biological Systems for Analysis by Systems Theory, Steven M. Gollmer

Young Tableaux and the Plancheral Distribution, Adam J. Hammett

Extending the Usefulness of Stream Field Work using the HQEI, William I. Jones

Chemosensory Transduction and Adaptation to External ATP and GTP in Tetrahymena, M. Kim, T. Smith, Heather G. Kuruvilla, and T. Hennessey

Sampling and Subsampling Efficiency: The Use of Artificial Substrates vs. Kick Nets in a High Quality Stream, Michael J. Mendel and R. J. Mendel

Mo V energy levels and f values, Lin Pan and D. R. Beck


Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Heat Transfer in a Rotating Square Duct, Zhaohui (George) Qin and Richard H. Pletcher


Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Heat Transfer in a Square Duct, Zhaohui (George) Qin and Richard H. Pletcher

Presentations from 2003

Intracellular Calcium Is Required for GTP Signaling in Tetrahymena thermophila, J. N. Bartholomew and Heather G. Kuruvilla

Zr III and Nb IV energy levels and f values, D. R. Beck and Lin Pan

What Is the Maximum Soil Carbon Storage Baseline in Old-growth, Oak Forests? A Case Study in Eastern Ohio, Mark A. Gathany and K. Brown

Synthesis of Formyl, Hydride, and Phosphine Complexes of Iron Carbonyls: An Organometallic Laboratory Design, Geoffrey A. Holloway, R. L. Keiter, J. R. Hudgins, J. W. Benson, M. Hayner, J. Lukasek, J. Woolever, and M. Yin

Development of a Pre-Service Teacher Classroom Performance Assessment Instrument, T. Huziak, N. Schaefer, and William I. Jones

Assessing Stream Macroinvertebrate Communities: The Effect of Sampling Techniques and Season on Water Quality Evaluations, Michael J. Mendel

A Comparison of Various Techniques to Sample Macroinvertebrates from a Northeastern Stream Supporting an Extremely Diverse Fauna, Michael J. Mendel and R. J. Mendel

Presentations from 2002

Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Intramolecular Phosphine Exchange in (OC)5W[k1-PPh2CH2P(p-tol)2], Geoffrey A. Holloway, D. Chen, Y. Zang, T. Huml, E. A. Keiter, and R. L. Keiter

Learning Models in Science Education, William I. Jones

Integrating Research Into Undergraduate Science Curriculum, Heather G. Kuruvilla

The GTP Chemoresponse of Tetrahymena thermophila Involves a Tyrosine Kinase Activity, Heather G. Kuruvilla

Learning by Doing: Research Requirements in an Undergraduate Biology Curriculum, Heather G. Kuruvilla and Alicia E. Schaffner

Presentations from 2001

Discontinuity and Systems Theory, Steven M. Gollmer

The Evaluation of Self-Organizing Systems as Applied to the Origin of Life: Stability and the Role of Feedback Mechanisms, Steven M. Gollmer

PACAP Does Not Signal Through a Type I Receptor in Tetrahymena thermophila, Heather G. Kuruvilla

Aryl-Bridged Benzimidazoles as Models for n-Doped Polymers, Mark D. McClain, D. S. Dudis, and A. V. Fratini

Evaluating Water Quality Using Aquatic Organisms, Michael J. Mendel

Improved Syntheses of C2S42- and C4S62-: Two Electroactive Carbon Sulfide Ligands, M. Ramesh, Geoffrey A. Holloway, M. R. Salata, and T. B. Rauchfuss

Presentations from 2000

Chemorepellents, Development, and Life as We Know it: What You and Tetrahymena May Have in Common, Heather G. Kuruvilla

Chemorepellents, Development, and Life as We Know it: What You and Tetrahymena May Have in Common, Heather G. Kuruvilla

Electronic and Structural Consequences of n-Doping: Bithiazole Oligomers and Partially Reduced Bithiazolium Cations, Mark D. McClain and D. S. Dudis

Synthesis and Modeling of Benzimidazoles for n-Doped Polymers, Mark D. McClain and D. S. Dudis

Structural Modification of Sol-gel Materials Through Retro Diels-Alder Reaction, R. M. Shaltout, D. A. Loy, Mark D. McClain, M. D. Prabakar, S. Greaves, and Kenneth J. Shea

Presentations from 1999

Integrating Internally Funded Cell Biology Research into the Biology Curriculum at a Small Liberal Arts College, J. W. Francis and Heather G. Kuruvilla

The Effect of Stress and TiC Coated Balls on Lubricant Lifetimes Using a Vacuum Ball-on-Plate Rolling Contact Tribometer, Larry S. Helmick

Structural Effects of Redox on Tetrathiooxalate Complexes and Related Novel Bonding Modes, Geoffrey A. Holloway, T. B. Rauchfuss, K. K. Klausmeyer, and S. R. Wilson

How Do Tetrahymena Smell?, Heather G. Kuruvilla

PACAP-38 Is an Agonist for the Lysozyme Receptor in Tetrahymena thermophila, Heather G. Kuruvilla, S. R. Mace, J. G. Dean, J. R. Murphy, and J. L. Rhodes

Ets-2 Is a Target for a CSF-1 Independent AKT Signaling Pathway Preventing Apoptosis in Macrophages of Motheaten-viable Mice, Alicia E. Schaffner, J. Smith, M. Hartman, G. Wei, and M. C. Ostrowski

Presentations from 1998

Kinetic Study of the Thermal Decomposition of t-Butylphenyl Phosphate Using the System for Thermal Diagnostic Studies (STDS), Dennis R. Flentge and R. L. Wright Jr.

Conjugacy Classes of Elements in the Borovik Group, Darrin D. Frey

Conjugacy Classes of Elements in the Borovik Subgroup of E_8(C), Darrin D. Frey

Moving from the Agony of Defeat to the Thrill of Victory: A Model of Academic Intervention Based on Attribution Theory, William I. Jones

Chemosensory Responses of Tetrahymena thermophila to CB2, a 24-Amino Acid Fragment of Lysozyme, Heather G. Kuruvilla and T. M. Hennessey

Determining the Molecular Mechanisms for Adaptation of Tetrahymena thermophila to Chemorepellents, Heather G. Kuruvilla, S. R. Mace, J. M. Cantor, C. M. Kooy, and B. D. Caldwell

Electronic Properties of Bithiazole Oligomers, Mark D. McClain and D. S. Dudis

The Pointed Domain of Ets-2: A protein interaction domain regulated by phosphorylation, Alicia E. Schaffner, J. L. Smith, and M. C. Ostrowski

A Physician Looks at Crucifixion, Dennis M. Sullivan

Presentations from 1997

Recent Progress in Classifying Alt_5 and SL(2, 5) Subgroups of Exceptional Complex Lie Groups Up to Conjugacy, Darrin D. Frey

ATP Receptors and Chemosensory Adaptation in Tetrahymena thermophila, M. Kim, Heather G. Kuruvilla, S. Raghu, and T. M. Hennessey

Purification of a Chemorepellent Receptor from Tetrahymena, Heather G. Kuruvilla

Purification of a Chemorepellent Receptor from Tetrahymena thermophila, Heather G. Kuruvilla and T. M. Hennessey

The Pointed Domain of Ets-2 Is a Target for Ras Action, Alicia E. Schaffner, J. L. Smith, M. Martin, and M. C. Ostrowski

The Pointed Domain of Ets-2 Is a Target for Ras Action, J. L. Smith, Alicia E. Schaffner, M. Martin, and M. C. Ostrowski

Presentations from 1996

The Effect of Humidity on the Wear Behavior of Bearing Steels with Rf(OCF2)m(OCF2CF2)nRf Perfluoropolyalkylether Base Fluid and Formulations, Larry S. Helmick

The Effect of Humidity on the Wear Behavior of Bearing Steels with RfO(n-C3F6O)xRf Perfluoropolyalkylether Case Fluid and Formulations, Larry S. Helmick

Monoalkyl Derivatives of Titanium and Hafnium Indenyl Trichlorides, Geoffrey A. Holloway and R. J. Morris

Chemosensory Adaptation and Desensitization by Receptor Down-regulation in Paramecium, M. Kim, Heather G. Kuruvilla, T. Hennessey, and C. Fourtner

Chemorepellent Responses to Lysozyme and GTP Are Transduced Via Independent Receptors in Tetrahymena thermophila, Heather G. Kuruvilla, M. Y. Kim, and T. M. Hennessey

Controlling Porosity in Bridged Polysisesquioxanes through Elimination Reactions, Mark D. McClain, D. A. Loy, and S. Prabaker

Presentations from 1995

Conjugacy of Alt_5 and SL(2, 5) Subgroups of E_6(C), Darrin D. Frey

Conjugacy of Alt_5 and SL(2, 5) Subgroups of E_8(C), Darrin D. Frey

Effect of Humidity on Friction and Wear for a Linear Perfluoropolyalkylether Fluid Under Boundary Lubrication Conditions (1995), Larry S. Helmick

Tribochemical Behavior of a Linear Perfluoropolyalkylether, Larry S. Helmick

Tribochemistry of a PFPAE Fluid on M-50 Surfaces by FTIR Spectroscopy, Larry S. Helmick

Synthesis and Modification of a Norbornene-bridged Polysilsesquioxane Gel via Retro Deils-Alder Reaction, Mark D. McClain and D. A. Loy

Presentations from 1994

Modeling of Integrated Liquid Water Inhomogeneity in Marine Stratocumulus, Steven M. Gollmer, Harshvardhan, R. F. Cahalan, and J. B. Snider

A Vacuum Four-Ball Tribometer to Evaluate Liquid Lubricants for Space Applications, Larry S. Helmick

Perfluoropolyalkyl Ether Additives, Larry S. Helmick

Preliminary Evaluation of Liquid Lubricants for Space Mechanisms, Larry S. Helmick

Thermal-Oxidative Pretreatment and Evaluation of Poly(Hexafluoropropene Oxide) Fluids, Larry S. Helmick

Tribochemistry Study of Fomblin-Z on M-50 Surfaces by FTIR Spectroscopy, Larry S. Helmick

Novel Organometallic Synthesis of Polythiophenes Via Mercurials, Mark D. McClain and M. D. Curtis

Organomercurial Synthesis of Electronically Delocalized Polymers, Mark D. McClain and M. D. Curtis

Organometallic Synthesis of Electrically Conducting Polymers, D. J. Mitchell, M. D. Curtis, and Mark D. McClain

Presentations from 1993

Tribological Characteristics of Perfluoropolyether Liquid Lubricants Under Sliding Conditions in High Vacuum, Larry S. Helmick

Structure and Reactivity of Cp2Mo2(CO)4(CH2CCCH2)(BF2)2 a Dinuclear Metal-Stabilized Dicarbenium Ion, Mark D. McClain, M. D. Curtis, and J. Kampf

Presentations from 1992

Wavelet Analysis of Marine Stratocumulus, Steven M. Gollmer, Harshvardhan, R. F. Cahalan, and J. B. Snider

Determination of the Oxidative Stability of Perfluoropolyalkyl Ethers and Correlation with Chemical Structure, Larry S. Helmick

Determination of the Thermal Stability of Perfluoroalkylethers, Larry S. Helmick

Presentations from 1991

Explicit Construction of the Lax-Levermore Minimizer for the KdV Zero Dispersion Limit, Otis C. Wright III

Presentations from 1990

Determination of the Thermal Stability of Perfluoroalkylethers, Larry S. Helmick