Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations | School of Science and Mathematics | Cedarville University

Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations



Presentations from 2014


The Chemorepellent, Netrin-1, Appears to Signal Through a Tyrosine Kinase in Tetrahymena thermophila, Marian A. Bhajjan, Anna O. Hurtubise, David C. Petroff, Cambria R. Puffenberger, Stephanie E. Song, and Heather G. Kuruvilla


Netrin-1-like Peptides Are Secreted by Tetrahymena thermophila, Marian Bhajjan, Kortney Good, Graham Heston, Elise Newcomer, Stephanie Song, and Heather G. Kuruvilla


The Effects of a Prescribed Burn on Small Mammals in an Ohio Tallgrass Prairie, Austin Bush, Randy Howell, Daniel Nordquist, Grace Revenaugh, Kortney Good, Chelsea Griffin, Abbie Belcher, and Mark A. Gathany

The Role of Protocadherin-19 in Zebrafish Neurodevelopment, Sharon Cooper

Wiring the Brain: The Role of Protocadherin-19 in Neurodevelopment, Sharon Cooper, M. R. Emond, and James D. Jontes


Distribution of Fish Species in Cedar Lake, David Dombrowski, Katherine Guffey, Brittany Hayes, and Mark A. Gathany

The History of Forecasting the Future, Steven M. Gollmer

A Survey of Classroom Technologies for the Sciences, Adam J. Hammett


Comparing Common Techniques for Calculating Parasite Prevalence, Matthew E. Ingle, Stephen Dunbar, Jaynee L. Bartsch, Kyle J. Culbertson, Taylor A. Fulton, Katherine R. Guffey, Aubrey J. Juris, Ashlie N. Nolan, Daniel Nordquist, Carrie E. Rowlands, and Joshua A. Sitler


Does Baylisascaris procyonis Impact Raccoon (Procyon lotor) Genetics?, Matthew E. Ingle, Stephen G. Dunbar, Jaynee L. Bartsch, Kyle J. Culbertson, Taylor A. Fulton, Katherine R. Guffey, Aubrey J. Juris, Ashlie N. Nolan, Daniel P. Nordquist, Carrie E. Rowlands, and Joshua A. Sitler


Does Baylisascaris procyonis Phylogeny Correlate with That of the Raccoon (Procyon lotor), Matthew E. Ingle, Stephen G. Dunbar, Jaynee L. Bartsch, Kyle J. Culbertson, Taylor A. Fulton, Katherine R. Guffey, Aubrey J. Juris, Ashlie N. Nolan, Daniel P. Nordquist, Carrie E. Rowlands, and Joshua A. Sitler


Baylisascaris procyonis Impacts Raccoon (Procyon lotor) Diets, Matthew E. Ingle, Stephen G. Dunbar, Jaynee L. Bartsch, Kyle J. Culbertson, Taylor A. Fulton, Katherine R. Guffey, Aubrey J. Juris, Ashlie N. Nolan, Dan P. Nordquist, Carrie E. Rowlands, and Joshua A. Sitler


Baylisascaris procyonis prevalence in raccoons (Procyon lotor) and its relation to landscape features, Matthew E. Ingle, Stephen G. Dunbar, Jaynee L. Bartsch, Kyle J. Culbertson, Taylor A. Fulton, Katherine R. Guffey, Aubrey J. Juris, Ashlie N. Nolan, Dan P. Nordquist, Carrie E. Rowlands, and Joshua A. Sitler


Soil Bulk Density Variability in a Restored Prairie Ecosystem, Andy Johnson, Emilee Kurtz, Andrea Martinson, Steve McCown, and Mark A. Gathany


Tree Biomass and Carbon Storage in an Old Growth Forest in Southeastern Ohio, Adam Levesque, Christina Gall, Doug Fox, Karen Washburne, Sam Scherneck, and Mark A. Gathany


An Energy Use and Emissions Inventory of Cedarville University (2003-2013), Jack Lightbody, Grant Hooper, Heidi Johnson, Jared Klawer, and Mark A. Gathany

Black Fly Species Inhabiting Northern Ohio Streams, Rivers and Natural Pond Outlets, Michael J. Mendel, P. H. Adler, and R. J. Mendel

pH Dependent Transfer of Nano-pores into Membrane of Cancer Cells to Induce Apoptosis, Mohan C. Pereira

Exploring Eigenvalues, Megan E. Rabe


Progressive Assessment of Lake Depths in Cedar Lake, Thomas L. Rice and Samuel L. Rice


Evaluation of Massie’s Creek Habitat and Water Quality, Kaitlyn Sturm, Amiah Warder, Malorie Young, and Mark A. Gathany

Embryos, Metaphysics, and Morals: Human Personhood and the New Biotechnologies, Dennis M. Sullivan

Embryos, Metaphysics, and Morals: Human Personhood and the New Biotechnologies, Dennis M. Sullivan


Dissolved Oxygen Content in Cedar Lake, Danielle Swanson, Angela McCain, Paige White, Samuel Scherneck, and Mark A. Gathany


Supernovae Wavelet Spectral Index Method: A Step Toward Precision Cosmology, Andrew J. Wagers, Lifan Wang, and Steve Asztalos

Cedarville University Geology Program, John Whitmore

The Coconino Sandstone of the Grand Canyon, John Whitmore

Elliptic Solutions of a Coupled Nonlinear Schrodinger System, Otis C. Wright III

Juggling as an Introduction to Mathematical Thinking, Otis C. Wright III

Presentations from 2013


Vertebrate Neuronal Chemorepellents, Semaphorin 3C and Netrin-1, Are Chemorepellents in Tetrahymena Thermophila, Caleb Alley, Chris Griffin, Josie Hein, Daniel Kohl, Brad Schmidt, David Yoder, and Heather Kuruvilla

Raccoon Roundworm Prevalence in Raccoons from Ten Townships of Clark and Greene Counties, Stephen Dunbar, Jaynee Bartsch, Katherine Guffey, Cole Knox, Ashlie Nolan, Carrie Rowlands, Emily Trigg, Melinda Vasser, and Matthew E. Ingle

The Correlation Between Landscape Fragmentation and Parasite Prevalence, Stephen Dunbar, Jaynee Bartsch, Katherine Guffey, Cole Knox, Ashlie Nolan, Carrie Rowlands, Emily Trigg, Melinda Vasser, and Matthew E. Ingle

The Impacts of Parasite Prevalence on the Diet of the Host, Stephen Dunbar, Jaynee Bartsch, Katherine Guffey, Cole Knox, Ashlie Nolan, Carrie Rowlands, Emily Trigg, Melinda Vasser, and Matthew E. Ingle

How Students Build Mathematical Practices Through Analyzing Other Students' Work, Sarah Gilchrist

Categorizing Complexity in Biological Systems, Steven M. Gollmer


Initial Conditions for a Post-flood Rapid Ice Age, Steven M. Gollmer


What Is the Eternal?, Steven M. Gollmer

Progress Towards a Water Soluble Lithium Ion Sensor, Tyler Hacker, Eric Huseman, Ericka Kistler, Kevin Stockdale, John Throgmorton, and Nathan E. Hnatiuk

An Introduction to Fractals, Adam J. Hammett

Trivial Meet and Join Within the Lattice of Alternating Sign Matrices, Adam J. Hammett


Fish & Macroinvertebrate Species Diversity in Restored and Unrestored Forks of Massies' Creek, Ohio, Christian Hayes, Amelia Lyons, Nathan Reed, Rebecca Wadman, and Mark Gathany

Mechanism of Upregulated Phagocytosis by miR-146a in Sjögren's Syndrome, Robin R. Hrdina, Katherine M. Kohl, Benjamin I. Luce, Jacob L. Nafziger, Heidi Zweibel, and Kaleb M. Pauley

Augmentation of the Milfoil Weevil, Euhrychiopsis lecontei, to Control Eurasian Watermilfoil in Menominee River Reservoirs, Michael J. Mendel

pH Dependent Transfer of Nano-pores into Membrane of Cancer Cells to Induce Apoptosis, Mohan C. Pereira

Applying to Graduate School in Mathematics, Megan E. Rabe

Eigenvalue Multiplicities of the Hodge Laplacian on Coexact 2-Forms for Generic Metrics on 5-Manifolds, Megan E. Rabe

Synthesis of Carboxypolystyrene Particles Spanning Four Orders of Magnitude, Nina M. Sekerak and J. S. Moore

Synthesis of Carboxypolystyrene Particles Spanning Four Orders of Magnitude, Nina M. Sekerak and J. S. Moore

Glacial Outflow Origin of Massie Creek Gorge, Greene County, Ohio, John Whitmore

Large Parabolic Recumbent Folds in the Coconino Sandstone of Sedona, Arizona, John Whitmore

Micas in Cross-Bedded Sandstones and the Abrasional Trends, John Whitmore

Morphology of Avalanche Beds in the Coconino Sandstone at Chino Wash, Seligman, Arizona, John Whitmore


Seven Misconceptions About the Coconino Sandstone, Grand Canyon, Arizona, John Whitmore

Temporal Patterns in 'Living Fossils', John Whitmore

On Elliptic Solutions of a Coupled Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations, Otis C. Wright III

Presentations from 2012

Natural and Constructed Wetlands Capable of Anaerobic and Aerobic Degradation of Chlorinated Ethenes, J. Amon, Tracy L. Collins, D. Duell, and C. Ackerman


ACTH: The Uninhibitable (or is it)?, Anthony Baglio, Jonathan Forsberg, Daniel McFarlane, Justin Nichols, and Heather G. Kuruvilla

Using Geometry Learning Progressions as a Tool for Teaching and Analyzing Teaching, M. Battista, C. Joswick, and Sarah Gilchrist

Assessment of Critical Thinking, M. Faulkner and Lindsey McCarty

An Interactional Analysis of Students' Mathematical Argument Building in an After-School Enrichment Program, Sarah Gilchrist and C. Joswick

Algorithms on Steroids: How, for a Small Fee, Randomizing Can Enhance Performance, Adam J. Hammett

An Introduction to Fractals, Adam J. Hammett


How Often Are Two Permutations Comparable?, Adam J. Hammett and Boris Pittel


Fish & Macroinvertebrate Species Diversity in Restored & Unrestored Forks of Massies’ Creek, Ohio, Christian Hayes, Rebecca Wadman, Amelia Lyons, N. Reed, and Mark A. Gathany

From Turtles to Raccoons: An Exploration in Discipline Based Research, Matthew E. Ingle

Examining Preservice Science Teacher Understanding of the Nature of Science: Discriminating Variables on the Aspects of Nature of Science, William I. Jones

Problem-Solving Thinking Co-Construction of Latina/o English Language Learners in an After-School Mathematics Enrichment Course, C. Joswick and Sarah Gilchrist

Closing the Loop: Assessing a Mandatory Research Course in an Undergraduate Biology Curriculum, Heather G. Kuruvilla

Integration of Mathematics and the Old Testament, Dali Luo

Expanding the Geographic Coverage and Habitat Sampling for a Continuing Faunal Survey of Black Flies in Ohio (Diptera: Simuliidae), Michael J. Mendel

A novel therapeutic strategy for Sjögren's syndrome, Kaleb M. Pauley and S. Cha

A Marcinkiewicz Interpolation Theorem and Boundedness Properties of a Generalized Hardy Littlewood Maximal Function, Megan E. Rabe

Genericity of Simple Eigenvalues, Megan E. Rabe

The Discrete Fourier Transform, Megan E. Rabe

Research Methods in Mathematics: A Transitional Course, Kevin A. Roper

Writing Mathematics Well, Kevin A. Roper

Development of novel phagocytic activity assay using human monocytes, E. Strattan and Kaleb M. Pauley

Presentations from 2011


Nociceptin Is a Chemorepellent in Tetrahymena thermophila, Nathanael Braun, Thomas Lampert, Breanne Gibson, Cheryl Nugent, and Heather G. Kuruvilla


Cutting Away from the Power Grid, Robert Chasnov and Mark A. Gathany


The Use of Ammonium Carbamate as a High Specific Thermal Energy Density Material for the Thermal Management of Low Grade Heat, Douglas S. Dudis, Joel E. Schmidt, Douglas J. Miller, and Joseph Susoreny


An Energy Use and Emissions Inventory, Mark A. Gathany and Robert Chasnov

A Critical Look at the Rumored Math Gene, Sarah Gilchrist and C. Joswick

A Longitudinal Study of the Views and Congition of African-American Students from Urban Communities, Sarah Gilchrist, C. Joswick, and J. Tague

Determining the Level of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching of Geometry of Preservice Secondary Mathematics Teachers, Sarah Gilchrist and R. Somayajulu

Role of Aerosols in a Post-Flood Ice Age, Steven M. Gollmer and S. Shirey

An Introduction to Fractals, Adam J. Hammett


Careers in Mathematics, Adam J. Hammett


On the utility of i = √-1, Adam J. Hammett

Semiparametric Treatment Effects Estimation, Ashley D. Holland

Series Estimation Using B-splines with a Penalization, Ashley D. Holland

Series Estimation Using B-splines with a Penalization, Ashley D. Holland

On two criteria which imply the existence of slim dense sets, Jennifer D. Hutchison

A Longitudinal Study of the Relationship between Mathematical and Linguistic Growth of ELL Students, C. Joswick, Sarah Gilchrist, and J. Tague

Expresion of P. gingivalis in malignant gingiva, J. Katz, Kaleb M. Pauley, I Bhattacharyya, and S. Cha

Student Attitudes Toward Using Facebook as a Tool for the Dissemnation of Laboratory Results in a Cell Biology Course, Heather G. Kuruvilla


Nociceptin Signals Through Calcium in Tetrahymena thermophila, Tom Lampert, Tom Bertagnoli, Nathanael Braun, Jon Forsberg, Breanne Gibson, Sharon Kobinah, Cheryl Nugent, Sarah Stevens, and Heather G. Kuruvilla

Preemptive Rerouting of Airline Passengers Under Uncertain Delays, Lindsey McCarty

Teaching Chemistry in the 21st Century: Clickers in the Chemistry Classroom, Mark D. McClain

Expression of E2F2 During Conjugation in Tetrahymena thermophila, M. M. Mitchener and Alicia E. Schaffner

Photodetachement of Ce-, Lin Pan and D. R. Beck