This collection showcases presentations made by Cedarville University faculty members at various conferences, workshops, and other public venues.
Presentations from 2018
Manga’s Exotic Christian Other in Urasawa Naoki’s 20th Century Boys and Minazuki Suu’s Judas, Daniel D. Clark
English, Literature, and Modern Languages Faculty Presentations
Incorporation of Electronic Health Record Patient Cases to Address the Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process, Justin W. Cole, Zach Jenkins, Andrew Straw, and Stephanie M. Cailor
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Critical Appraisal Within Systematic Reviews of Measurement Properties: A Review of Available Instruments, K. Cullen, D. E. Beaton, Z. Touma, C. Kennedy, S. Hogg-Johnson, P. Smith, D. VanEerd, D. Milani, L. Engel, E. Irvin, Q. Mahood, K. Bingham, J. Dollack, and Elizabeth A. Sled
Allied Health Faculty Presentations
Frederick Buechner’s Godric: A Study in the Theology of Grief, Donald L. Deardorff
English, Literature, and Modern Languages Faculty Presentations
The Opioid Epidemic, From Hopeless Dope to Dopeless Hope, Greg Delaney and Elizabeth A. Delaney
Nursing Faculty Presentations
The Moral Imagination and the Future of Baptist Political Witness: A Response, Dan DeWitt
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations
Assessment of the Use of a Patient Simulation on Pharmacy Student HIV Treatment Knowledge, Juanita A. Draime, Anna M. Staudt, Zach Jenkins, Nicole K. Stute, and MeiLing G. Norfolk
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Quantifying Permafrost Extent, Condition, and Degradation Rates at Department of Defense Installations in the Arctic, Christopher Edlund and Diedrich Prigge
Business Administration Faculty Presentations
Tango Music for Violin and Piano, Carlos Elias
Music and Worship Faculty Presentations
Making Peer Feedback an Effective Component of the TBL Instructional Strategy, Marty L. Eng and Sarah Lerchenfeldt
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Finding Ideas and Resources for a Blended Learning Environment, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations
How to Help Develop Your Staff for Free, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations
It's a Project-based World! Gold Standard Approach, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations
It’s a Project-based World! Part 2: Engage Your Students and Community, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations
Making Learning Visible: Measuring Understanding, Not Knowledge, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations
Making Learning Visible, Part 2: Measuring Understanding, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations
Using Reflective Practice for Professional Learning in a STEM Classroom, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations
Workshop Presentations, Jeremy Ervin
Education Faculty Presentations
Creating Grit and Perseverance Through Critical Thinking, Lori Ferguson
Education Faculty Presentations
Games in the Mathematics Classroom, Lori Ferguson
Education Faculty Presentations
Is There More to Mathematics Than the Right Answer?, Lori Ferguson
Education Faculty Presentations
Pre-Service Teachers' Construction and Implementation of Academic Language in a Mathematics Classroom, Lori Ferguson
Education Faculty Presentations
Perceived Benefits and Drawbacks of Christian School Attendance form Kindergarten Through 12th Grade: A Qualitative Study, Michael W. Firmin, Cindy Cheung Siu, Elizabeth A. Axtell, and Elizabeth Stokes
Psychology Faculty Presentations
An Analysis of State Licensure Board Requirements Pertaining to Moral Turpitude, Michael W. Firmin, Kristin DeWitt, Heidi M. Gibbs, Reina Soczka, and Alyssa M. Massaro
Psychology Faculty Presentations
Dynamism in Higher Education Lecturers: Qualitative Perspectives, Michael W. Firmin, Michaela E. Holloway, Kaela Indyk, Mojadesinuola Adejokun, and Samantha B. Kohli 3402874
Psychology Faculty Presentations
A Qualitative Analysis of Former Department Chairs' Forward Professional Outlooks, Michael W. Firmin, Samantha B. Kohli 3402874, Ying-Ruey Chuang, and Sydney L. Dosier
Psychology Faculty Presentations
Residual Dynamic Perspectives of Former Department Chairs, Michael W. Firmin, Samantha B. Kohli 3402874, Ying-Ruey Chuang, and Sydney L. Dosier
Psychology Faculty Presentations
Perspectives of Former Department Chairs: Residual Affective Results, Michael W. Firmin, Samantha B. Kohli 3402874, Ying-Ruey Chuang, and Sydney L. Dosier
Psychology Faculty Presentations
Strategies for Lecture Dynamism in Higher Education: Qualitative Perspectives, Michael W. Firmin, Samantha Kohli, Michaela E. Holloway, Kaela Indyk, and Mojadesinuola Adejokun
Psychology Faculty Presentations
Qualitative Perspectives of Homeschool Parents Regarding Perceived Educational Success, Michael W. Firmin, Thomas A. Sackett, Jacqlyn A. Fletcher, Theresa M. Jones, and Emily K. Parrish
Psychology Faculty Presentations
A Biblical View of Information Literacy in Higher Education, Jeffery S. Gates
Library Faculty Presentations
Characterizations of Pseudomonas aeruginosa aggregates in high viscosity, Jessica Geyer
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations
The Virtue of Close-Mindedness, John R. Gilhooly
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations
Descriptive Analysis of non-PA Faculty in PA Educational Programs, Karen Graham-Burnet and P. Campbell
Allied Health Faculty Presentations
Musculoskeletal Workshop: Shoulder Exam, Jason Grahame
Allied Health Faculty Presentations
Reminders You Need to Set as You Leave EVMS, Jason Grahame
Allied Health Faculty Presentations
Using Collective Memories to Construct Meaningful Textual Connections in an Out-of-School Program: Implications for the Classroom, Margaret Grigorenko and Betty Ruth Sylvester
Education Faculty Presentations
Agency Theory, Stewardship Theory and Biblical Stewardship: Comparisons and Contrasts, Jeffrey S. Guernsey
Business Administration Faculty Presentations
A Christian Perspective on the National Debt: Applying a Buchanan Framework to Odious Debt, Jeffrey E. Haymond
Business Administration Faculty Presentations
A New Measure for Assessing Parents' Perceptions of the Value of Children, C. S. Henry, T. A. Spencer, and Chao Liu
Psychology Faculty Presentations
Screening for Social Determinants of Health in Pediatric Primary Care, Kim Higginbotham
Nursing Faculty Presentations
I Should Have Asked Why: Preservice Teachers Reflections on How They Languaged Relationships with Students, M. Hikida, Megan R. Brown, and F. Beauchemin
Education Faculty Presentations
I Should Have Asked Why: Preservice Teachers Reflections on How They Languaged Relationships with Students, M. Hikida, M. Wilson, Megan R. Brown, F. Beauchemin, S. Jackson, and M. Thomas
Education Faculty Presentations
Rhythms of a God-Centered Life: Time and Sabbath in the Life of a Christian, Thomas Hutchison
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations
Sabbath: The Rhythms of God's Song in Creation, Thomas Hutchison
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations
Forging the Trail: Implementing a "Choose Your Own Adventure" Active Learning Model Within a Classroom Setting, Zach Jenkins
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Surviving Sepsis: A Review of Antibiotic Therapy for Nurses, Zach Jenkins
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Antimicrobial Use in the Management of Intraabdominal Infections, Zach Jenkins and M. Bauer
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Best Practices in Pneumonia Management, Zach Jenkins and M. Bauer
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
And the Walls Came Tumbling Down: A Reflection on the Life and Legacy of Ralph David Abernathy, Kevin Jones
Education Faculty Presentations
A Reflection on Removing he Stain of Racism, Kevin Jones
Education Faculty Presentations
Fellowship with the Son, Kevin Jones
Education Faculty Presentations
Removing the Stain 50 Years Later, Kevin Jones
Education Faculty Presentations
Solid Faith in Broken Classrooms, Kevin Jones
Education Faculty Presentations
Solid Faith in Broken Classrooms, Kevin Jones
Education Faculty Presentations
The Black Church's Role in Public Education, Kevin Jones
Education Faculty Presentations
The Church's Responsibility in Culture Shaping, Kevin Jones
Education Faculty Presentations
The Civil Rights Movement and Its Impact on 21st Century Education, Kevin Jones
Education Faculty Presentations
The Importance of Culturally Competent Teachers, Kevin Jones
Education Faculty Presentations
The University and Race, Kevin Jones
Education Faculty Presentations
Discussion of the Gaming Industry in Kentucky, Wes Keltner and George V. Landon
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Presentations
Be Well: Physical Activity, Kristine H. Kidder
Nursing Faculty Presentations
Simulation Simplified: Using Simulation in the Classroom, Kristine H. Kidder
Nursing Faculty Presentations
Escritura en el aula de español como lengua extranjera (ELE), Cristi Killingsworth
English, Literature, and Modern Languages Faculty Presentations
Emotions, Feelings, and Personhood, Joshua Kira and John R. Gilhooly
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations
Emotions, Feelings, and the Question of Impassibility, Joshua Kira and John R. Gilhooly
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations
Reflections on Michael Horton’s Rediscovering the Holy Spirit and the future of Pneumatology, Ronni Kurtz
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations
The Soteriological Significance of B.B. Warfield’s Doctrine of Hypostatic Union: An Exploration in his Redemptive Polemics, Ronni Kurtz
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations
Juice Your Education, George V. Landon
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Presentations
Artist Talk, Aemin A. Lee-Zimerle
Art, Design, and Theatre Faculty Presentations
Portfolio Presentation, Aemin A. Lee-Zimerle
Art, Design, and Theatre Faculty Presentations
Visiting Artist & Workshop Demonstration, Aemin A. Lee-Zimerle
Art, Design, and Theatre Faculty Presentations
Applied Behavior Analysis for Homeschoolers, David B. Leitch
Education Faculty Presentations
Behavior Management, David B. Leitch
Education Faculty Presentations
Being Different in Your Instruction, David B. Leitch
Education Faculty Presentations
Chaos, Confusion, and Behavior: How the Adolescent Brain and Behavior Operates, David B. Leitch
Education Faculty Presentations
Forming Your Instruction Through Creative and Timely Assessments, David B. Leitch
Education Faculty Presentations
Reading Right, David B. Leitch
Education Faculty Presentations
Successfully Including Students with Special Needs into the General Education Classroom, David B. Leitch
Education Faculty Presentations
Using Psycho-social Intake Assessments to Improve School Climate, David B. Leitch
Education Faculty Presentations
The Utilization of Peer Feedback During Collaborative Learning in Medical Education: A Systematic Review, Sarah Lerchenfeldt, Misa Mi, and Marty Eng
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations
Change Challenging Children into Champions: How to Heal Hurting Hearts, Betsy E. Linnell
Psychology Faculty Presentations
Rural Trauma Team Development Course: Airway, Breathing and Special Populations, Scott Long
Nursing Faculty Presentations
Love Hours, Cat Mailloux
Art, Design, and Theatre Faculty Presentations
An Investigation into Luther’s Use of Hebrew in His 1545 Treatise, On the Last Words of David, William M. Marsh
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations
The Holy Spirit as the Eternal Listener in Luther’s Sermons on the Gospel of John, William M. Marsh
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations
"If You Would Teach a Man to Pray, Send Him to Sea": Shipwreck Narratives and Imagined Religious Community in Victorian Evangelical Tracts, Alicia A. McCartney
English, Literature, and Modern Languages Faculty Presentations
Shipwreck Networks and Nineteenth-Century Spiritual Communities, Alicia A. McCartney
English, Literature, and Modern Languages Faculty Presentations
The "Simple Burthen" of the Female Poet in William Wordsworth’s "Sailor's Mother", Alicia A. McCartney
English, Literature, and Modern Languages Faculty Presentations
A Reevaluation of Ἰησοῦς in Hebrews 4:8: Joshua or Jesus?, Michael McKay
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations
Application of MEMS Inertial Sensors in Sensing Passive Eye Response as a Surrogate for Brain Response to Head Acceleration, Yuan Meng
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Presentations
Saline Infusion, Angelia Mickle
Nursing Faculty Presentations
SALINE Process: Infusion, Angelia Mickle, Kristi L. Coe, Aleda Chen, Carrie N. Keib, Emily Laswell, Elizabeth A. Sled, and Felisha L. Younkin
Psychology Faculty Presentations
Historical Improvisation and 'Standard Repertoire' as Equal Partners in Concert, John Mortensen
Music and Worship Faculty Presentations
Improvisation for Pianists, John Mortensen
Music and Worship Faculty Presentations
Improvisation Masterclass, John Mortensen
Music and Worship Faculty Presentations
Improvisation Masterclass, John Mortensen
Music and Worship Faculty Presentations
Improvisation Masterclass, John Mortensen
Music and Worship Faculty Presentations
Improvisation Masterclass, John Mortensen
Music and Worship Faculty Presentations
Improvisation Presentation, John Mortensen
Music and Worship Faculty Presentations